Impulsive Change
Impulsive Change
By Mara Clear Spring Cook
What does impulsive change mean for you? Reckless action, or brave derring-do? Outer Self Sun conjuncts Mad Genius Uranus in I’m On Fire Aries this morning at 28°! That’s the edge of the cliff, leap of faith, I’m-so-ready-for-something-new position in any sign.
Karmic Attraction
[column width=”2/3″ title=”Shamanic Weather April 17, 2018″ title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] Karmic Attraction By Mara Clear Spring Cook Of the mixed bag of possibilities today Karmic...Drama Factor
Drama Factor
By Mara Clear Spring Cook
This week is front-loaded with so many drama factor contributors. Keep in mind some of these things will truly resonate for you, and others will sound like science fiction. Or…you may experience all of it!
Sorry. With Venus opposing Jupiter the drama factor goes WAY up. The Empowerment King is retrograde in Sting Me Once, Regret It Forever Scorpio. Our Love Goddess Venus is at home in That Feels GOOD Taurus. So when they oppose they pull out the best and the WORST of each other. Drama factor!
The Smoke Clears
The Smoke Clears
As Mercury Retrograde in Aries rams us with the final hours (at this posting, about 30) of fiery fury, we can relish the fact that this epic retrograde is nearly over! The smoke clears and we begin to see much more clearly, distinctly.
As a shamanic practitioner, I am in the energy preview mode. I get a head-up about energy shifts and flows…though not always…
The epic ringing in the ears subsides. That sense of dragging 50 lbs weights around all day drops away. Strangely concurrent numbness and over sensitivity resolves.