Shamanic Healing and Training
With Mara Clear Spring
Are you ready to experience shamanism, the most ancient form of energy healing?
Shamanic Healing works at the soul level to bring healing to heart, body, mind and soul.
Reclaim your Self with Shamanic Soul Retrieval. Then repattern your energetic imprints with additional Shamanic Healing, Space Clearing, and Destiny Path shifts.
Learn Shamanic Journey and connect with your Power Animals and Spiritual Guides in heart-connected group classes or in focused, one-on-one sessions with me.
Community soothes your heart and soul. Attend regular Shamanic Drumming or Goddess Circles, public rituals and celebrations.
Walk the Path of Lightning with the Munay-Ki, the Nine Great Rites of Shamanic Initiation brought by Dr. Villoldo from the Incan Shamans in Peru.
Learn Reiki for both self-healing and helping others with multi lineage Reiki Training and Attunements for Reiki I, II and Master/Teacher levels.
Initiations are given in group classes and private sessions.
The Shamanic Weather
Virgo New Moon
We have just over two weeks before the next Eclipse Transformation Portal opens. Simplify your World as the outer world prepares for tremendous shifts.
Power Rich Aquarius Full Moon
The Power Rich Aquarius Full Moon unleashes bolt after bolt of high voltage lightning befitting of the seasonal Super Blue Moon on August 19, 2024 (11:25 am Pacific Time).
What’s happening is that multiple angles between the planets, alignments with stars, and waves of solar energy are hitting us at all levels, too many for me to cover all of them for you.
Mercury Retrograde Leo New Moon
The weekend of August 4, Mercury Retrograde pairs with the Leo New Moon in an intricate weaving of creation and take-apart energies, setting the tone for the entire three week plus period. So, let’s just look at all the parts of this complex layering of so many elements.
~ ~ Retroshade ~ ~
On July 16, Messenger Mercury entered “RetroShade” at 21° Gotta Roar Leo. They began tracking over the same territory as they will during the retrograde. Action: Take note of what’s happening in your life up to August 4, as you’ll likely be revisiting it!
The Shamanic Weather
Get my update on the current energies, and what’s coming. You can also opt to receive event and class information and other articles I periodically send out.