Psychic Pressure Neptune Retrograde

We’ve been feeling the psychic pressure build up around us in a crush of emotional tidal waves, mental overload, and/or physical challenge. Cosmic forces align to form a new key that unlocks the gateway to the next level of enlightened consciousness, or spiritual crisis.


The super giants Magnify This Jupiter and Squash That Saturn exert their influence on Life Is An Illusion Neptune as he prepares to enter Retrograde.

Take Action Full Moon

Warrior God Mars leads the charge for this Take Action Full Moon at 1:30 am June 17, 2019 Pacific Time. Sleep may be difficult as your mind races with all the possibilities available for you. You may feel overwhelmed and ungrounded as major planetary alignments click into place like a vast Mayan calendar throughout this week straight through the Summer Solstice.

Are We At The Galactic Center?

Deep Stimulation

Deep Stimulation

You’re going to feel that deep stimulation from the Go Deeper Scorpio Moon today.


Well that depends on what gets stimulated! Love Goddess Venus in I’m So Curious About That Gemini activates with Wounded Healer Chiron in Let’s Get To It Aries. Old heart wounds may throb, OR you may get a smile of satisfaction over how far you’ve grown.

Balance Point

The waxing Let’s Get Together Libra Moon holds that balance point between our karma (South Node) and destiny (North Node) in a powerful T-square tonight. It really looks more like a triangle with the Moon at the apex.

The point at the top.

Point 1. Libra Moon loves to be in this centering, see-both-sides-of-the-equation position. What an awesome opportunity to find our personal balance point between cleaning up the past and choosing the next path! It’s the decision part that can be hard.

Itchy Soul Skin

Itchy Soul Skin

Your itchy Soul Skin is ready to peel off in the wake of the super stimulating Gemini New Moon. For some of us, our destiny paths became clearer and it was easy to take action. Others, however, may still be vibrating with the intensity of the new creation energy that has poured in. Where are you on the spectrum?


If you are feeling agitated and anxious you may not have been able to receive and integrate the new energies. Or, they may be creating a sort of metaphysical allergic reaction!

Time to breathe, walk barefoot on the grass or in the sand, and breathe some more. Do something mundane to distract yourself. It’s ok to do things in your own time.


Yah, that’s me! I am juggling multiple projects, clients, new class registrations and important relationships in my life. And I am loving it!