Inner Fire

Your Inner Fire

By Mara Clear Spring Cook

Embrace your inner fire, that flame of self-loving passion you know can flicker low when you are challenged. Fire and Water Elements ruled an emotional and active weekend, causing a war between what you want to do (two parties in one night) and what you want for you (quality time with just a few folks).

Epic Vulnerability

Epic Vulnerability

Expect epic vulnerability to shift your life radically! Wounded Healer Chiron stationed direct in Water Sign Pisces on Sunday, December 9, which leaves only Renegade Uranus in retrograde, and that’s his I Won’t Follow The Rules nature, anyway.


And haven’t you been feeling it even BEFORE Sunday? The waves continue. Healing our deepest wounds has been front and center for us. The Spiritual Centaur shifted direction ever so slowly, turning like a knife in the gut wound of your soul.

Sagittarius New Moon Magic

Sagittarius New Moon Magic

By Mara Clear Spring Cook

The Sagittarius New Moon Magic lights the fires of your desires! Powerful tensions activate choice and change, and we find we are opening to multiple paths of destiny.

***Infuse the magic into a stone in the Crystal Ceremony below!***


That overwhelm is a symptom of potential creation energy ready to explode out in a million creative directions. It’s been building.

  1. Warrior Mars conjunct Guru Neptune,
  2. Wild Card Factor Uranus square the Destiny Path North Node,
  3. And a total of 14 Square (conflict) aspects generate lots of potential energy – definitely more than 1.21 gigawatts!

Cleansing Dreams

Cleansing Dreams

By Mara Clear Spring Cook

Cleansing Dreams keep your mind active overnight as Messenger Mercury, still retrograde in Truth Seeker Scorpio, trines Wounded Healer Chiron in Something’s Fishy And I Don’t Care Pisces, and also retrograde.

Then the Mercury trines the the Destiny Path North Node in Your Heart Is Your Home Cancer. After that, Your Inner World Moon in Go Deeper Scorpio trines Your Motivation Mars in Do I Have To Move Pisces. This is more yin energy, dreamy, creative – a perfect storm for cleansing dreams.

Dreams and Nightmares

[column width=”2/3″ title=”Shamanic Weather December 1, 2018″ title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] Dreams and Nightmares Your sleep may have been filled with dreams and nightmares last night...