Cosmic Clean-Up Virgo New Moon

Cosmic Clean-Up Virgo New Moon

When the Cosmic Clean-Up Virgo New Moon occurs at 6:39 PM PDT on 9/14/23, you’ll feel even MORE supported in your desire to clear out old, unwanted stuff and bring in good fortune and vibes.

Virgo New Moon is a neat and practical energy, and coupled with Messenger Mercury stationing (appearing to stop) direct (return to normal orbital direction) in Purity Ain’t Easy But Necessary Virgo, is exponentially empowered to express Her desire to bring clarity and purpose to, oh, everything.

Feline Fullness Leo New Moon

Feline Fullness Leo New Moon

Your inner Lion/ess smiles with Feline Fullness, that “I Have A Secret,” mysterious cat smirk. You feel the magic like a soft caress smoothing your luxurious pelt. Tail twitching, you settle in to watch and see what’s…interesting.

Leo New Moon

Outer You Sun is in its sign of Rulership (most powerful) as it aligns with Inner You Moon and begins the next New Moon cycle. With Love Goddess Venus very close by, and Matriarchal Powers Juno and Wild Shadows Lilith also in Leo, Feminine energy dominates

The heart of the Goddess beats a sensual rhythm, the purr of Feline Fullness.

Cancer New Moon Nodal Shift

Cancer New Moon Nodal Shift

I want to be of service to the collective, and add some sparkle to your heart, so I’ve put together here for you several things!

Please let me know how this works for you!

Changing Times Cancer New Moon and Nodal Shift

The stormy heart seas are REAL.

The urgency for change is REAL.

The sense of “but wait,” is REAL.

Polar Confusion Gemini New Moon

Polar Confusion Gemini New Moon

Polar Confusion keeps you off center during the Gemini New Moon! 

Traditionally we initiate a new project and set a strong intention as the New Moon begins a fresh cycle of growth. But in the true tradition of the Sign of the Twins, opposing factors can offset potential with the challenge of blockage or even stagnation.

And you may have difficulty sorting out your heart from your head – Polar Confusion.