Feline Fullness Leo New Moon

Your inner Lion/ess smiles with Feline Fullness, that “I Have A Secret,” mysterious cat smirk. You feel the magic like a soft caress smoothing your luxurious pelt. Tail twitching, you settle in to watch and see what’s…interesting.

Leo New Moon

Outer You Sun is in its sign of Rulership (most powerful) as it aligns with Inner You Moon and begins the next New Moon cycle. With Love Goddess Venus very close by, and Matriarchal Powers Juno and Wild Shadows Lilith also in Leo, Feminine energy dominates

The heart of the Goddess beats a sensual rhythm, the purr of Feline Fullness.

Shadow Work Challenges 

Dark Lord of Transformation Pluto, currently causing all sorts of woes in the last degrees of Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan Capricorn, continues to square (challenge) our Nodal Axis. The Dragon’s Head North Node leads us into the fiery self assertion of This Is About Me Aries as we work through the shadow issues of Dragon’s Tail South Node, currently in This Is About Us Libra.

So this puts emphasis, and stress, on that Venus-Leo-Retrograde-Love-Relationships theme we have all been working through.

What doesn’t serve in love and relationships is promptly, strongly and painfully revealed.

The New Moon is a good time to set intentions for changing how you participate in those struggling connections, even that with yourself. You can always start over.

Feline Fullness Pleasures

Leo New Moon is by self definition pleasurable. Imagine a cat basking in the sun, eyes closed, self-satisfied smile as claws make bread lazily in the air. Add in Venus trining (positive balancing) Wounded Healer Chiron. She’s enjoying the emotional benefits of working through her own heartbreaks with her recent return from the Underworld where she was in Cazimi (exact alignment) with the Sun.

A loose Grand Trine in Earth (balancing power triangle) between Warrior God Mars, Rebel Genius Uranus, and Pluto gives us an unusual quiet moment between usually activating, pressuring forces. We experience that deep, relaxing breath between words.

Make It Yours

Sit in the darkest place possible, outdoors if you can, and dream in what would make your heart purr and your soul roar! Make it as specific as possible, and attainable. 

Now, put your hand over your heart and imagine you already have it. Make it real. Feel it.

Light a fire in your mind. Then, light a candle in front of you, and imagine the flame carrying your message to the Leo Heart of the Sun. Follow the flame up, and continue to imagine your desires are being heard, feline fullness fulfilled.

Make this a New Moon to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

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Art: MJ by Mara

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!

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