Destiny Path New Moon Eclipse

Destiny Path New Moon Eclipse

The Destiny Path New Moon peaks December 14, 2020 at 8:14 am Pacific Time. Do you feel the energy building as the great wheel of time prepares to shift yet again?


Cosmic pressure to clean up the past and make space for the future can make it hard to be present. These flows feed the current:

~Total Solar Eclipse~

This Is What I Perceive Sagittarius Sun aligns perfectly with This Is What I Want To Know Gemini Moon and closes the Eclipse Portal opened with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 30. 

An Eclipse Portal opens a wormhole of transformation. During this particular transition we take the info we thought was “true” and requalify it. 

Fiery Changes

Fiery Changes

Ah, we’ve been ready for these Fiery Changes. Or, so we thought! Now that they are underway, the sweat pours down to sting our eyes. 


The deficit of Air Element leaves us with deficient reasoning to help herd the raw emotions and numbing avoidance strategies. What little Air (rationality) we have gets sucked in by all that Fire (rapid change)!


Well, the sacred rebalancing action of major archetypes could do just that. Love Goddess Venus, currently languishing in Deep  Waters Scorpio, just allied a major grounding rod – Dark Lord of Transformation Pluto. That means we more clearly identify and attract what would satisfy us.

Venus in Moody Scorpio 2020

Venus in Moody Scorpio 2020

Venus enters Moody Scorpio on November 21, 2020. The sign of the Scorpion/Eagle/Phoenix is her detriment, where the Shadow overrides the Light of the essential feminine.
She’s raw, touchy, and passionate. Introspection doesn’t always lead to revelation, but definitely flavors the air with potent possibilities and darker notes of don’t-go-there. Argue for argument’s sake? Yessss….
Intense Vibes Empath Alert

Intense Vibes Empath Alert

span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Sensitives and Empaths especially are feeling the intense vibes and subsequently are TIRED.

If this is you, give yourself permission to scale things back a bit, catch some extra sleep, and schedule that selfcare you have been dithering over. You need it!


Last weekend Power To Change Everything Pluto stationed Direct. That means the Transformation King’s influence peaked. Haven’t you been feeling that gross gravitas pressing down on us?

Fateful Changes

Fateful Changes

We are beyond emotional exhaustion as we meet the fateful changes unfolding before us with an F-5 sustained intensity. Tattered shrouds of doubt and conspiracy continue to distract the true intelligence of our minds. The reasonable person just turns all this unsubstantiated information OFF, but still we seek answers…


And hope makes us do silly things. There is no outside source that can comfort you at this time. Pluto Direct stands at the power point of your personal choice to respond rather than react to world, local, and personal challenges. What will you choose for you?