Expect Mercury Retrograde Intensity to crackle like lightning building around us for the next three weeks. The storm potential peaks the days when Mercury stations (stops to change direction) and crosses the midpoint.


This time Messenger Planet Mercury covers about half the distance it usually does. So the issues revealed during the Shadow Period (May 14 to May 29) will be revisited and dwelled upon during the Retrograde (May 29 to June 22).

And, the intensity of this retrograde is empowered as he’s in his home sign of “Let Me Ask You A Question” Gemini. The restriction of less distance traveled clashes with his quicksilver nature. You won’t have wiggle room to skip over the information or situations that arise. Ya gotta deal…


Inner You Moon aligns with retrograde World Breaker Pluto in “Divinely Inspired Practical Action” Capricorn. Your decisions bear a greater weight to them that you’ll both feel and witness. Move thoughtfully.

You can’t stop living for three weeks! Instead, give yourself more time to gather info and adjust your perspective.


Love and Relationships: Love Goddess Venus, Shadow Feminine Lilith, and Bliss or Abyss Neptune exert their influences on how you connect from the heart and ego, both with others and yourself. Go slowly with new relationships.

Current relationships with a longer and deeper history can get tested by misperceptions and miscommunications. Adjust your expectations! Listen with and share from your kindest self.

Scars and Limits: Wounded Healer Chiron works closely with retrograde Stern Taskmaster Saturn and the Destiny Path North Node to help you use your healed wound wisdom to transcend frustrating challenges. 

And Take Action Mars in “Love And Hugs Really Help” Cancer helps you move past self-guarding limitations.


Three to four times a year Mercury makes us think it over, especially in regards to communication, travel, and technology. Take all those themes and track them over your map of love and relationships, and you see your own personal patterns arise.

Big Takeaway: Be gentle with yourself and others as we are ALSO in an Eclipse Transformation Tunnel that began with the Sagittarius Full Moon on May 26 and ends with the Gemini New Moon on June 10.

With deep breaths and from the depths of compassion we can make this a retrograde to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

#maraclearspring #shamanichealing #soulretrieval

  • Shamanic Sound Journey June 19, 2021 – go HERE to learn more! 
  • Community Event – Sunset Hike! June 4, 2021 – Details HERE

Art from WallpapersUP (and my fellow Hollows fans will see the appropriateness of this choice!)

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!