Ancestral Gifts

Ancestral Gifts

This unique gathering is an invitation to connect deeply with the roots of your existence and honor the lineage that has contributed to your life’s journey.

Our ancestors braved numerous challenges, carrying life lessons, wisdom, and experiences that have subtly shaped our own paths. 

“Ancestral Gifts” will be an exploration of these legacy gifts. We remember that we are not just beings in isolation but the culmination of many generations’ dreams, struggles, and survival.

Building the Ancestral Altar

Libra Equinox 2023 Apply Balance

Libra Equinox 2023 Apply Balance

Apply Balance Libra Equinox 2023 Shamanic Weather 9/22 – 9/23, 2023 Get ready to apply balance to your life as we embrace the sign of fairness and compromise, social savvy, and, in its shadow, indecision – Libra.  On 9/22/23 at 11:50 PM Pacific Time we...
Badass Boundaries & Psychic Protection

Badass Boundaries & Psychic Protection


We’ll call on our Shamanic Allies in many forms to assist us in redefining what’s allowed in, and what’s NOT! 


And in Guided Shamanic Journey we’ll experience a vibrational expansion of our personal psychic protection juju.

Shamanic Trance Dance

Shamanic Trance Dance

Get ready to Journey along the river of life and death in the September Shamanic Life Shift Circle as we surrender to the mysterious catharsis of Shamanic Trance Dance.


Local: Friday, September 9, 2023 – 6:30 smudge, 7:00 pm doors close.

Mara’s Shamanic Oasis – Address provided with Registration

Zoom: Monday, September 11 – 6 pm PDT



Go HERE, select Classes, and scroll to Shamanic Trance Dance

Meet Your Star Family

Meet Your Star Family

Meet Your Star Family

At The Shamanic Life Shift Circle for August, 2023***


Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal Access

  • Do you feel homesick when you look up at the stars?
  • Does the sight of the Milky Way open a door in your heart to worlds beyond our Earthly home?
  • Have you wondered if you were born on the wrong planet? (You weren’t, but you surely can feel like that at times!)

Maybe it’s time you meet and Journey with your personal Star Family