Passionate Soul-Quake

Passionate Soul-Quake

Passionate Soul-Quake A Passionate Soul-Quake rumbles through you as all the Yin/Earth energy grounds the incredible Yang/Fire lightning erupting from your overstimulated identity center. Believe it or not, August was a “recuperation” month compared to September which...
Cranky Venus In Virgo 2019

Cranky Venus In Virgo 2019

You may just have gotten a little bit cranky. Love Goddess Venus just slipped into Be Here Now And Be Doing Something Useful Virgo.


After the Party Hardy Leo Fire Sign excitement it’s quite a comedown to the Earthy sign of selfless service. One’s head could be spinning. 

Karmic Emergence

Karmic Emergence

These past six months of karmic emergence end with a soul path rocking Full Moon Eclipse. Truth trumps denial. False foundations crumble. And lessons learned reveal the butterfly you that’s been transforming in the chrysalis of the potent Eclipse Transformation Tunnel.

I Feel That

Love Goddess Venus, sitting on the Destiny Path North Node and opposing Stern TaskMaster Saturn, embodies the soul’s desire value test on loving how we are living, who is in our lives, and where we are going. 

Mars Roars!

Warrior God Mars roars with relief as he breaks free from the quicksand emo-suck of I’m So Full Of Feelings Cancer to march proudly into It’s Good To Be Me Leo. He takes us with him into a time of supreme confidence, sexual potency, goal attainment and outspoken action.


Say what you will, the mood is hard to resist. With the New Moon just a day away we are bathing in the Cancerian Sea of Desires to be Realized. Mars roars his virility right into those dream pools, Leo lightning flashing!

Eclipse Portal Opening

[column width=”3/4″ title=”Shamanic Weather June 30, 2019″ title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] Eclipse Portal Opening We feel the anticipation (and dread?) of the eclipse portal opening....