by Mara Clear Spring | Feb 4, 2022 | Shamanic Weather
Rash Actions Shamanic Weather Feb 5 & 6, 2022
You may have noticed the prevalence of sudden and sometimes scary rash actions these past few days.
For example, as I drove through usually quiet neighborhood streets today I narrowly avoided two near head-on collisions as cars took blind turns rapidly, swinging wide to head right at me.
Later, when a car cut in front of me on the freeway and braked suddenly, I told my passenger, “I think I’d better see what Mars is doing.”
Make A Move Mars is in One Step At A Time Capricorn and may be chafing at the restrictions. Also, his patience is being tested by Wounded Healer Chiron, currently in Let’s Get Started Aries.
So, when a core wound has been triggered, the present challenge (square) pushes you to fix it, fix it now!
by Mara Clear Spring | Jan 31, 2022 | Shamanic Weather
The Quantum Changes of this Aquarius New Moon come ready to transcend this seems-to-never-end Dark Night of the Soul we have been enduring for the past two-plus years. Within the darkness we seek a comforting light. And, sometimes it’s up to us to bring it there! The New Moon occurs at 9:46 PM Pacific Time, so it is also the second New Moon for January for some of us. That alone speaks to the unusual energy we are all feeling.
I Have Been Getting The Downloads
Adjust your eyes to see in the dark where the psyche of the Divine Feminine has been gestating quantum changes.
by Mara Clear Spring | Jan 29, 2022 | Shamanic Weather
Venus Direct Jan 29 2022
Venus stations Direct on January 29, 2022. Our Love Goddess stops, takes a deep breath, and turns toward the future after revisiting chunks of the past since her retrograde began on December 19, 2021.
It’s time to take all we have learned about how we regard love in its many manifestations in our lives and move forward. We have “graduated” from this intensive, soul-searching process.
by Mara Clear Spring | Jan 28, 2022 | Shamanic Weather
Mercury conjunct Pluto – Shamanic Weather 1-28-22
You’ve got something to say! And – YOU are the one who needs to hear it. With Mercury Conjunct Pluto, you feel the call to go deeper and translate your internal truth from amorphous shadows to shareable light.
by Mara Clear Spring | Jan 17, 2022 | Shamanic Weather
Karmic Themes Shamanic Weather
Karmic Themes shift on January 18 as we move into the new Nodal Axis of Grounded Pleasures Taurus/North Node and Deep Waters Scorpio/South Node. We leave the previous influence of Gemini Dreams/North Node opposing Sagittarius Frustrations/South Node and enter this earthier and emotionally complex time.
What ARE Nodes?
The Lunar Nodes identify the two points where the Inner You Moon crosses the Ecliptic (the path of the Earth around the Sun) as it orbits the Earth. It’s a mathematical, astronomy related thing. These points are located in astrological signs, just like planets.
Every 18 months or so the Lunar Nodes move into a new pairing of opposite signs, and they move retrograde (backward)! So they represent our soul evolution across time, from past lives and birth (South Node) to death and our future lives (North Node). Each pairing defines a Karmic Theme that persists as a foundational contribution to our overall experience for the duration.