Soul Reset Libra New Moon

Soul Reset Libra New Moon

Soul Reset Shamanic Weather

Let’s take time out to allow the soul reset potential offered by the New Moon in Libra September 25, 2022 at 2:54 pm PDT.

At 2°Libra the Outer You Sun and Inner You Moon line up with the Super Galactic Center.

During this alignment, the SGC, a collection of black holes that pulls on our galaxy, the Milky Way, influences us to apply Libra relationship awareness and values not just with others, but ourselves, and find a new balance.

We just experienced the season changing, soul reset energy of the Libra Equinox. Planets are shifting signs and aspecting (coming into specific angles) in a powerful series of chess master moves that activate, aggravate, and inspire changes globally.

Eclipse season approaches, and the overriding polarization of the Saturn/Uranus square keeps us divided down to the core.

Fresh Connections

Fresh Connections

Fresh Connections – Shamanic Weather Mid September 2022

As we approach the Mercury Retrograde Midpoint fresh connections pop into our lives. After all, Messenger Mercury is still in “Let’s Talk Libra,” an Air Sign that loves to facilitate social gatherings and meaningful conversations. 

Remember, each retro is flavored by the signs this planet of communication and energy exchange transits (moves across). So, you may be feeling that social hunger right about now for fresh connections.

Mercury Retrograde may have a bad rep, but it is really about going deeper into our objective observations and interactions about and with ourselves and each other. The Trickster energy shows up more often to literally force us to stop and go back over what we just said, did, bought…

Grounding Darkness

Grounding Darkness

Shamanic Weather August 26-28, 2022 – Grounding Darkness

Our annual Virgo New Moon takes us (kicking and screaming, sometimes) to that sacred moment of grounding darkness. The unexpected changes, rash actions, and inner chaos of the pervasive Uranian influence have kept us off center for so long. 

Let the “Earth Mother” Virgo help you remember how to come back to your center, your roots, your Soul Home.


“Earthly Love Venus” is struggling at this time. So, even as you breathe your roots into the grounding darkness, your heart challenges can make it difficult to keep those roots settled and firm.

Rash Actions

Rash Actions


Shamanic Weather August 19-21, 2022

The yummy energy of the trine (favorable balance) between Love Goddess Venus and Empowerment King Jupiter of August 18 still surrounds us. Enjoy the warm fuzzies as long as you can! Erratic energy and rash actions are on the horizon. 


Yes! First, Warrior God Mars begins his very long stay in Quicksilver Thoughts Gemini at 12:55 am Pacific Time 8/20/22. Remember, on the days when a planet shifts signs or directions the effects are amplified. Initially, Mars incites rash actions when coupled with the lightning swift change nature of Gemini.

Love Triangle

Love Triangle

Shamanic Weather August 7, 2022 ~ Love Triangle

NOTE: This particular Shamanic Weather article is being released to my entire email list. If you don’t normally get the Shamanic Weather, this is your opportunity to see what it is like! ALSO – I have a specialVibration of Love message social post I made on 8/5 included at the end.

This Love Triangle involves “me, myself, and I” as three major angles (geometric alignments between celestial bodies) hit within a few hours of each other on Sunday, August 7. You may have resonant experiences with other people and situations in life, but the truth is it’s all about you!