Mercury Retrograde Leo New Moon

The weekend of August 4, Mercury Retrograde pairs with the Leo New Moon in an intricate weaving of creation and take-apart energies, setting the tone for the entire three week plus period. So, let’s just look at all the parts of this complex layering of so many elements.

~ Retroshade ~

On July 16, Messenger Mercury entered “RetroShade” at 21° Gotta Roar Leo. They began tracking over the same territory as they will during the retrograde. Action: Take note of what’s happening in your life up to August 4, as you’ll likely be revisiting it!

~ Leo New Moon ~

On Sunday morning, August 4, How You Shine Sun and How You Feel Moon line up in Let’s Roar Leo. In the Dark of the Moon we take the shadows of our current soul journey and use them as compost to feed updated, new dreams about how we can align our actions and desires in our Leo heart (we all have each sign in our charts).

Your New Moon Ceremony should be about you. List your victories and what’s good about you. Congratulate yourself, and offer gratitude to all those who have been part of the process. Then ask yourself:  What are you throwing into the Sun to burn up and release? And what do you want to now point your powerful, self-Sun toward next?

mercury retrogradew leo new moon Venus In Leo Love Magic! Going Deeper Leo Full Moon 1-28-21

Amazing Art by Cosmic Collage

~ Mercury Retrograde

The Messenger Archetype is the fastest moving planet, closest to our Sun and of changeable nature and gender. They are objective and observing, gathering info to process and share.

Mercury is just 4° into the only sign represented by a woman, Earthy Healer Virgo, when they station (appear to stop) retrograde. You’ll be into organizing your stuff and surroundings, upgrading your personal care and health routines, and maybe even volunteering for a neighborhood clean-up!

~ RetroMessage: from August 4 to August 18, you’ll want to pay even more careful attention to details. Watch for judgy voices, especially those in your head! Perfectionism is anti-productive and heart-hurting, so it’s more about preventing major errors than delivering a pristine anything. Be gentle with your efforts, and everyone else’s.

~ Trigger Alert: from August 12 through August 18, and especially on August 14, intense energies in play can stir up unexpected and life-changing circumstances. 

In your personal life, watch for amplified aggression and do your best to short circuit that potential for road rage within yourself. Grumpy frustration could eat up your precious energy, whether it is yours, or others. And in our world, from your neighborhood to the global community, war-mind tensions and extreme weather, earthquakes, even volcanic activity are possible.

~ RetroMessage: On August 18, Mercury moves back into Leo, and you’ll feel the focus get much more personal again. So personal, in fact, that you may be feeling raw and ultra-sensitive. This is the time to work on your reputation with yourself. Notice what/who pokes you deeply, and get curious. 

~ RetroShade, Again ~

On August 18 Mercury stations direct, and then spends the next few weeks going over that same territory of 21° Leo to 4° Virgo again. You’ll feel the energy ease up bit by bit. Yes, there are a few more surprises along the way, but by the time we reach September 11, Mercury is in new territory and out of the post retrograde shadow.

~ More Surprises? ~

Yes, as we move through the retrograde I’ll share shorter posts and short vids to discuss the different energetic bumps and spiky points along this journey. What you have now is the general map, so you can be prepared.

Make this a Mercury Retrograde to Roar about!


Shamanic Practitioner

See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing & Readings

Art by Cosmic Spring


I made a Mercury Retrograde YT SHORT:

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!