

Shamanic Readings and Divination

From throwing the bones to studying the signs of the land, Shamans have been interpreting messages from the ancestors and nature spirits on behalf of the tribe for thousands of years.

Readings can be used to better understand a current dilemma, get clarity on choices and probable outcomes based on what is happening now, and suggest actions to be taken.

You can receive a Power Animal, get Relationship advice, look at job options, or ask where to focus in your life.

Sample questions:
What is this stressful dynamic between me and my daughter?
How can I be happier at my job?
What is in the way of me meeting my soul mate?
How can I go deeper with my husband?

I use drum journey or Oracle cards depending upon the question asked and your preference.

One Issue Reading – a shamanic journey on one question for you, you’ll receive your report by email or mp3

Shamanic Card Reading – an Oracle Card reading on one question for you. You will receive your report by email or mp3, plus a photo of the card spread.

Relationship Reading – Can be a Shamanic journey or Oracle Card reading about a relationship such as spouse, family member, career, health, or more.

Solar Flare Download – If you feel affected by Solar Flares this reading is for you! I journey to retrieve the information that has come in for you and help you integrate the message and healing