Gemini New Moon – Shamanic Weather

The Gemini New Moon both drags you under and sends you soaring! What else would you expect from the Sign of the Twins? Navigating the complex harmonics keeps you busy, sleepless, or perhaps in an overload coma.

What’s important is to surrender to the fact all this energy is flowing in, and you don’t have to keep it!

💫 No time to read? Here’s a six minute Video I made for you!


So many reasons…

A New Moon means How You Shine Sun and From Your Heart Moon line up, this month in Let Me Ask You A Question Gemini. Earthly Love Venus joins them and sets your heart to sparking! You may be flowing huge amounts of love and compassion, or are feeling the deficit and would really like to receive some. Yeah, again, that Gemini twin thing!


The Air Element is lightning quick, expansive, and gets into everything. We have FIVE major archetypes in Air Sign Gemini: Sun, Moon, Messenger Mercury, Venus, and Let’s Go Bigger Jupiter. That magnifies the Air qualities.

Jupiter is also in a trine (positive balance) with Change Or Die Pluto, who is currently retrograding (moving backward) through another Air Sign, Quantum Shift Aquarius. That’s one HUGE lever for change for you, for all of us! And makes SIX planets in Air Signs. 

Wild ideas, brilliant inspiration, magical alignments abound. Could be winds of fortune, or a lot of hot air. 


Although Air is a “mental” sign, it’s likely your heart is really talking to you. Listen. What your inner critic harps about isn’t necessarily true. Check in with a trusted friend. 

Stern Taskmaster Saturn squares (challenges) this Gemini New Moon. He wants to bring form and purpose to the wild energies you are channeling. Let him also be your friend, helping you write, organize, weigh the pros and cons, and eventually choose which great ideas and destiny paths you wish to follow.


Yes, you can still do this! Add it into whatever you normally do for a New Moon.

  • Grab a pad of sticky notes. Write your ideas, issues, choices on them, one per note.
  • Paste them to the floor around you. They don’t have to be evenly spaced, just roughly forming a circle.
  • Play some soothing background music. If you use a drum, bowls, or rattle, you can play it yourself.
  • Imagine the Sun, Moon and Venus in a triad over you. Their light frequencies bathe you. From you, this glowing, tingly energy flows out to the various sticky notes. LISTEN.
  • You’ll hear messages. Saturn walks outside your circle, pointing at different notes, then commenting. Maybe you “know” rather than “hear” what is conveyed. Just listen.

After Saturn has completed the circuit, thank him for his wisdom. Then journal what you heard. You may even feel the energy flowing to a specific note, or a new idea was borne from all of this.

Thank the Sun, Venus, your guides, and complete your Gemini New Moon Ceremony as you normally would.

Gestate with these messages, let them naturally evolve into your next steps. 

Make this a Gemini New Moon to Roar about!


Shamanic Practitioner

See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing


Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!