Dream Seeds Taurus New Moon

Use the Earthy Taurus New Moon to plant Dream Seeds for your future and our world.


Nearly all the planets are packed together within 68° of our 360° degree sky. That’s INTENSE, a fertile Water – Fire – Earth field for your Dream Seeds to be planted.

FIVE planets will be in Make Life Feel Good Taurus. Listen to the message each one is offering, because, everything IS changing. And this is literally the “calm before the storm.”

  • Outer You SunOwn your world and recommit to what you enjoy having around you and available in your life.
  • Inner You Moon – What soothes your soul? What is satisfying, and what are you craving?
  • Love To Love Venus – Reassess your values, your money, and the quality of your relationships.
  • Let’s Make It BIG Jupiter – How are you living, and living big, from your heart?
  • Let’s Change Everything Uranus – Let your inner rebel OUT and get real about what you want. Be brave and clarify!


Even as I prepare this, a new ceasefire agreement has been offered and tentatively accepted in the Middle East. Here is an unexpected (very Uranus) turn that could indicate a new direction for everyone! 

Fertile Dreams Taurus New Moons Dream Seeds


Sun and Moon aligning in Earthy Taurus make you slow down to the foundation of what really works for you.

Stern TaskMaster Saturn sextiles (positively activates) this New Moon to assist you in making a plan, build in the stick-to-it energy, and plant those Dream Seeds.


Notice both your resistance points and where you are more open to before now unheard of changes. Messenger Mercury, still in Ram Tough Aries, conjuncts (aligns with) Wounded Healer Chiron (again!) to press this point home:  when wounds that get in your way come up, and you CAN move through them using this New Moon Energy.


Use flowers (of course) to create a beautiful altar. I usually include all the elements as well, such as a candle for fire, a stone for Earth, a seashell or bowl of water for water, and a feather or incense for air

Take your Dream Seeds and scatter each one over the altar as you speak your desires aloud. 

They could be: different small crystals, symbolic objects, photos, clippings from magazines, or even actual seeds!

Listen for any internal objections, and pull them out like weeds to toss in the compost.

Ask for help from your Shamanic aka Spiritual Allies! They can help you name your wishes, or find and yank those weeds.

When you feel complete, thank all who have helped. You can keep your altar open for as long as you like. If you used actual seeds, plant them! Or save them for my Seeds of Hope Circles later this month.


I’d love to hear about and see pictures of your Dream Seeds Taurus New Moon Ceremony!

Taurus New Moon invites you to indulge in your desires and plant your Dream Seeds. The focus is on what makes you happy and what you want to create in your life.

Make this a New Moon to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor

See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing


Connect with Like Hearted Souls:

🌱 Seeds of Hope May Shamanic Circles5/20 Zoom, 5/17 In Person


Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!


Art by Mara with MJ