Shamanic Weather – Venus Sextile Chiron 4/25/23

You’ve learned from your past! Love Goddess Venus in I Have Another Question Gemini activates with Wounded Healer Chiron in Me First Aries.

Her current Air/Mental nature (from being in Gemini) inspires you to take a risk and trust yourself, literally hanging out over previously scary territory.

“Do anything you do for YOU,” encourages Chiron from his Aries Primal Fire.

SENSITIVES and HSPS: please remember that your edges may be raw and tender from the past week of incredible fluxing energy: New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Mercury Stationing Retrograde, and powerful impact of the CME.

So the big risk for you may be leaving your house, or even getting out of your bed! You know how to love yourself up in these situations. Go ahead, you deserve it.

Make this an activation to ROAR about!



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Art: Aldair Vargas, Unsplash

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Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!