by maraclearspring | Jan 17, 2019 | Shamanic Weather
Soul Fire Activation
You’ll feel the Soul Fire activation burn through the clouds of limiting self doubt. And today, the flames flare high!
The January New Moon Solar Eclipse in Get Going On It Capricorn opened a classic Eclipse Transformation Tunnel. Like it or not, change is happening, and fast.
Today’s Fiery Trine expands raw sexuality into more robust, multi-layered pleasure. Lovely Venus in Voracious Sagittarius and Manly Mars in Virile Aries pas de deux into a beautiful balance of feminine and masculine energy. Creation energy abounds and thrives in an atmosphere of mutual admiration and exploration.
by maraclearspring | Dec 13, 2018 | Shamanic Weather
Epic Vulnerability
Expect epic vulnerability to shift your life radically! Wounded Healer Chiron stationed direct in Water Sign Pisces on Sunday, December 9, which leaves only Renegade Uranus in retrograde, and that’s his I Won’t Follow The Rules nature, anyway.
And haven’t you been feeling it even BEFORE Sunday? The waves continue. Healing our deepest wounds has been front and center for us. The Spiritual Centaur shifted direction ever so slowly, turning like a knife in the gut wound of your soul.
by maraclearspring | Dec 5, 2018 | Shamanic Weather
Sagittarius New Moon Magic
By Mara Clear Spring Cook
The Sagittarius New Moon Magic lights the fires of your desires! Powerful tensions activate choice and change, and we find we are opening to multiple paths of destiny.
***Infuse the magic into a stone in the Crystal Ceremony below!***
That overwhelm is a symptom of potential creation energy ready to explode out in a million creative directions. It’s been building.
- Warrior Mars conjunct Guru Neptune,
- Wild Card Factor Uranus square the Destiny Path North Node,
- And a total of 14 Square (conflict) aspects generate lots of potential energy – definitely more than 1.21 gigawatts!
by maraclearspring | Dec 1, 2018 | Shamanic Weather
[column width=”2/3″ title=”Shamanic Weather December 1, 2018″ title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] Dreams and Nightmares Your sleep may have been filled with dreams and nightmares last night...
by maraclearspring | Nov 29, 2018 | Shamanic Weather
Venus Relationship Update
By Mara Clear Spring Cook
The Love Goddess opposes the Mad Genius Uranus today. As a result, this instigates a relationship update of potentially epic proportions. The relationship can be between you and yourself (oh YES that counts), you and your job, your relationship with money, with friends, or with a partner/lover.