Break Free
Break free from rigid, claustrophobic structures and obsolete expectations today as Outer You Sun leaves Concrete Conformity Capricorn and enters the sign of the Eternal Rebel, Aquarius.
The further we get from the Saturn/Pluto conjunction constraint energy, the sooner we can all take enjoy the expansive nature this Air sign inspires.
Not a bit. My own natal Mars in Capricorn keeps me grounded when my Aquarius Sun goes uber woo-woo on me.
Potent Darkness Solar Eclipse Dec 2019
Sit with the Potent Darkness of the final New Moon Solar Eclipse of the decade. We’ve been in a time-bending portal in the days after the Sacred Solstice Space of December 21, 2019. And now, the Major Powers closely entwine in the sign of the mysterious Goat Fish, Capricorn.
That’s only half the story! The Goat attains airy heights, while the Fish explores the unbounded seas. Together they meld into the Earth sign that grounds spiritual commitment into 3D reality.
Saturn Stations Direct 2019
You can heave a sigh of sweet relief when Stern Taskmaster Saturn Stations Direct in Get ‘Er Done Capricorn on September 18, 2019. But you may already be feeling that oppression lift, just like the change of seasons is teasing the air around you.