Wisdom Words Mercury Direct June 3 2022

Wisdom Words Mercury Direct June 3 2022

Shamanic Weather: We’ll be looking for our wisdom words as tension ramps up at the end of this week. Mercury stations (stops) to turn Direct in the wee hours of Friday, June 3.  


Yes, and, it’s more complicated this time. Stern TaskMaster Saturn is in square (challenge) with Messenger Mercury. Wisdom words get lost between “I should have said” and “why did I say?” and all the messy feelings and misinterpretations that ensue.

And then on Saturday, June 4, Saturn turns retrograde.


Whenever a planet changes signs or directions the charge it holds amplifies. It’s “louder,” affecting us more overtly. Mercury in I’m Comfortable Right Here Taurus isn’t all that open to change, while Saturn in Open Your Mind Aquarius writes the “rules” for evolving. They are both fixed signs. Translate that to “stubborn.”

Volatile Magic New Moon

Volatile Magic New Moon

Shamanic Weather May 28-31, 2022 – New Moon in Gemini – Volatile Magic

Electricity dances off your fingertips as you massage the volatile magic of this New Moon in Gemini. And, we have a sky show of Meteor Shower messages raining enlightening downloads!


With a new moon in Quicksilver Mind Gemini you feel not just inspired but compelled to activate your next cycle of whatever you want to dream in. However, we are navigating massive power structures that wrestle and/or align for control. It’s like  handling delicate explosives in a fast moving situation. Ya gotta focus.


Exactly! Warrior God Mars, now in his home sign of Let’s Get Started Aries, just aligned with Empowerment King Jupiter, who also recently moved into Aries. This is a super bonus of good juju we all want to access! And, timing is the key…

Critical Clean-Up Mercury Retrograde

Critical Clean-Up Mercury Retrograde

Shamanic Weather Mercury Retrograde Critical Clean-Up
The urge to purge peaks this week as we enter Mercury Retrograde in Just One More Question Gemini on Tuesday, May 10. And, you could be a bit confused about what exactly to release…


We’ve been letting go and reorganizing almost as a trauma response to the prevailing levels of insanity around us. We can’t control the latest brand of craziness breaking out world wide, but dammit that closet/garage/junk drawer is clean!
Now, as Messenger Mercury reverses (retrogrades) through his favorite sign, our minds light up at some critical clean-up point and get a little, um, stuck. We get to ruminate and investigate on that until all resolve dissolves around May 22-23, when Mercury retros back into Blissful Seas Pisces and kind of loses focus.
Many Messages

Many Messages

The Many Messages of this week hit hard on Monday, 4/25/22, as Messenger Mercury first challenged Stern TaskMaster Saturn, then got all buddy-buddy with Say Om With Me Neptune. What a mish-mosh of what sings and what flops!

Between that and the Meteor Messages from the Lyrids Shower and the not-hitting-us-directly-but-we-still-feel-them solar flares, our energy skins are feeling a bit scraped and stinging! And thatthat was just Monday!

Ram Bam Aries New Moon

Ram Bam Aries New Moon

Shamanic Weather March 31 – April 1, 2022 – Ram Bam Aries New Moon

Ram Bam Aries New Moon

The Ram Bam Aries New Moon occurs when Outer You Sun and Inner You Moon align at 11:24 pm March 31, 2022 (Pacific Time). It’s a self-revealing Power Stellium as How I Shine Sun and How I Feel Moon align for their monthly meeting sandwiched between Messenger God Mercury and Wounded Healer Chiron, all in the Rarin’ To Go sign of Aries. (Three or more heavenly bodies in one sign is what creates a stellium).


We get super clear on the need to take action (Aries energy)! Under that Ram Bam influence Mercury gathers info and makes decisions, but quickly, maybe too quickly. And Chiron urges us to push past the old scars and wounds that have held us back in the past.