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Soul Fire Solar Eclipse New Moon In Virgo

Weekend Shamanic Weather September 11, 12 & 13, 2015

Fed by the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Virgo, Soul Fire burns through the layers of scar tissue and ego pretense in a profound shedding of outdated paradigms and invitation to ascend to the next level! Manifest your dreams! This weekend we experience the Eclipse reset button.

Everyone in the Royal Court is a part of this spiritual path workout, taking their turns feeling the burn.

The Sky Lord of Rebellion Uranus keeps the unique perspective and electric creativity powered up and ready to solve problems and make magic out of nothing ala MacGyver .

Dreamy Wounded Healer Chiron activates the healer within you, or helps you attract in the best healers to work with you, from personal trainer to shamanic practitioner.

What we feel we can heal, so today could be a review of old themes and random memories of times where we were challenged but came through stronger and healthier.

King of Empowerment Jupiter throws his weight around on your behalf, matching inner motivation to outer purpose. What you need personally is supported transpersonally.

THE CARDS Journey To The Goddess Realm by Lisa Proctor - https://www.usgamesinc.com/Journey-to-the-Goddess-Realm/ Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King - http://animaldreaming.com/shop/oracle-tarot/animal-dreaming-oracle-cards/ The Druid Plant Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington - http://www.philipcarr-gomm.com/the-druid-plant-oracle/


Journey To The Goddess Realm by Lisa Proctor – https://www.usgamesinc.com/Journey-to-the-Goddess-Realm/

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King – http://animaldreaming.com/shop/oracle-tarot/animal-dreaming-oracle-cards/

The Druid Plant Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington – http://www.philipcarr-gomm.com/the-druid-plant-oracle/



Harnessing the power of the Moon, the shape-shifting Goddess Cerridwen brews her magic of alchemical knowledge and rebirth. She is a goddess of the cycles of manifestation! There are passages through the darkness that lead to the light, and we are entering one of those inky black tunnels, ready to transform, be reborn, to shift into our new forms.



Although they can fly, Bustards prefer to walk or run, nesting on the ground, confident that they will be protected and safe. Today Bustard visits to ask you how big is your trust? Do you believe you can do what you want, that all will be provided for?

To regain your center and your faith, take a moment to meditate while grounded. Literally get your feet, and if possible, your whole body, on the Earth. Sit on a boulder, lean against a tree, squish sand through your toes. Rediscover gratitude and your center in a quiet meditation. Give thanks. Breathe in Spirit. Trust that all will be well!



Juniper is revered as a potent, ancient reservoir of powerful magic. Today it bridges us over what we are leaving behind into what we are calling in and magnetizing into our lives.

  • What do you need to clear, leave behind? Let the smoke cleanse you.
  • Where do you want to go, call into your life? Let the berries become the womb of your dreams.
  • How to you magnetize your desires? Let the fresh scent call up your magic!

If possible, include some Juniper, Juniper oil or Juniper berries as part of your Solar Eclipse New Moon Ceremony!

This is an opportunity to reach back to 2012 (and a little before) and remember what you were doing, who you were with, what your was life like, and how different you were then. Zoom back to now – see where your hard work has brought you? Let go of the old stories, time to make some new ones!

We embark on the next leg of our soul journey!

Make this a weekend to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara


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Spider Woman by Susan Seddon-Boulet

Mara’s Workshop at Pagan Pride

Saturday, September 19, 2015

No cost!

TIME: 11 am – lasts about 45 minutes

Liberty Station NTC Park at Cushing and Womble

Details HERE


Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling ~ Training and more

Mara@MaraClearSpring.com ~ 619-972-2469


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Journey To The Goddess Realm by Lisa Proctor – https://www.usgamesinc.com/Journey-to-the-Goddess-Realm/

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King – http://animaldreaming.com/shop/oracle-tarot/animal-dreaming-oracle-cards/

The Druid Plant Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington – http://www.philipcarr-gomm.com/the-druid-plant-oracle/


Mara’s Power Animals and Guides, www.cafeastrology.com , www.astrology.aaazen.com , www.astroshaman.com ,

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Ephemeris Times are 6 am PDT (GMT-0700). This link gives you the time for your area. For example, Melbourne, Australia is 18 hours ahead of San Diego, CA http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/
