Sagittarius Full Moon Magic

Experience heart openings and shifts during the Sagittarius Full Moon Magic of May 23, 2024.

In this Full Moon period we experience a heady mix of positive and exact aspects that build upon the Sun-Jupiter Good Fortunes Conjunction and Magical Possibilities Venus-Uranus Alignment from May 18.

The elements of imagination and creation are mixing over and over again, an intricate dance of archetypes and activations, all of which offer us so many avenues of attraction and evolution.

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I made a six minute VIDEO with a few highlights for this Sagittarius Full Moon!

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Outer You Sun has just moved into I Have A Question Gemini. It continues to send a torrent of downloads and light codes in flares, filaments and CME’s.

And Shoot For The Stars Sagittarius Full Moon Magic responds to the super talkative Sun with a question of its own: What does it all mean? 

Sitting in the power apex position of a special triangle called a Wedge, Dark Lord of Transformation Pluto reminds us all that translating and integrating take time, and we don’t actually need to understand everything. Our super power is to discern what’s truthfully important to us individually.

And Love Goddess Venus, whose motto is Live Life Luxuriously while in her home sign of Taurus, captures cosmic hearts in her quest for magnificent, soul satisfying love.

She’s really the key to unlocking this Sagittarius Full Moon Magic.

She brings the exciting, innovative possibilities from her tryst with Rebel Genius Uranus.

She taps into pure Shakti power in her current sextile (positive activation) with Spiritual Feminine Neptune.

And she embraces all the ways love can be experienced and expressed in her highly favorable conjunction (alignment) with Let Me Super Size That For You Jupiter, the King of Empowerment. They meet at the last degree of Taurus, ending their visit in her home sign with another burst of contagious, good luck transmissions. 

Sagittarius Full Moon Magic from Adobe


Access the Venusian perspective. Create your altar, or just sit outdoors under the Full Moon, if possible.

Call in your Ancestors, open your Circle or Sacred Space, or whatever matches your spiritual practices.

Make a list of what you haven’t given yourself credit for, your accomplishments, your “harvest,” the gifts you have in your life. 

Include who you love and who loves you, how you have helped each other, what fills up your heart and soul, and what you create and give to the world. 

Own your accomplishments.

Then, go bigger. Reclaim your dreams and desires.

Invite the abundant magic to form into patterns that match and “shoot for the stars.”

You might dance, or play your drum. 

You’ll know the moment to release the tension of the ceremony to burst out into the world.

Offer gratitude. 

Oh, and let me know what happens!

Make this a Sagittarius Full Moon to Roar about!


Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, and Munay-Ki Mentor

See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!

Art from Pixabay