Shamanic Weather

Emotionally Charged Full Moon Eclipse

The October 28 Full Blood Moon Eclipse is an emotionally charged battlefield. Or, it can be a cathartic release! Use this heads-up to help you find your path through.

Why Is It Emotionally Charged?

Full Moons are about oppositions – two sides to the same coin. Full Moon in Taurus seeks grounded comfort and stability, while on the opposite side of the Earth, Scorpio Sun tends to dive into dark waters and plumb mysterious depths. 

Add in the Eclipse crucible, and all those shadow feelings alchemize into a conflicted choice point.

Creation and Birth

We can all agree that creation and the birth process is messy! We are exiting the Eclipse Transformation Tunnel (entered at the New Moon Eclipse on October 14) at the North Node of Destiny. So from all this emotionally charged eclipse energy we can fall into familiar madness, or create something new, at least begin the process.

That’s our choice point. 

Us and Them

A strong theme of polarization continues to build in the heavens and here, on our planet, and even within ourselves. Yet, perceiving the world in black and white energetically connects you to collective consciousnesses such as the Pain Body, War Mind, and Victim Hell

As best you can, transform the emotionally charged Full Moon Eclipse energy into fuel for how you want to shift the energy in your life and, if you have juice left over, to help others through their dark times and back into the light. Climb out of the abyss of hopelessness and back to the warm glow of possibilities. They are there. 

Personal Ceremony

Use Empowerment King Jupiter, currently retrograde in Let’s Settle Down Taurus, to help you find your center and remember how to get there when you get triggered. Yes, it is very likely that with this contentious sky you will be. As part of your ceremony, ask for help from Warrior God Mars. Utterly at home in Hidden Intrigue Scorpio, Mars stands opposite Jupiter, and lends you the courage to take a risk, say the thing, try something new.

Ask for messages, healing, and guidance in regard to what you KNOW you will likely be reacting to as well as in-the-moment assistance when it happens. Commit to being in awareness and ownership of your own emotionally charged responses.

This is a powerful entry into the holiday season, where gatherings often put us back into old patterns established with our family of origin. Yet, we can make a change! If you missed my recent newsletter where I spoke into this, you can see it here.

Make this a Full Moon Eclipse  to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

Art: Mara / MJ

PS – Receive your Ancestral Gifts at the Zoom Shamanic Life Shift Circle for November – use Z10 for your $10 discount!

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!