Running Trance Dance

[column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] RUNNING TRANCE DANCE Recently I took my own advice and went on a spiritual Jog/walk at Lake Murray, a...

Shadow of the Moon

I was having lunch with my two most amazing friends – Katie and Deborah – and I found myself trying to describe where I was at in my self-healing process. I’m using this Grand Water Trine/Mercury Retro/ Guides-wanna-give-you-your-dreams energy to do some...

The Divine Masculine Invites You to Receive

With the Summer Solstice we in the Northern Hemisphere experience days of the longest daylight hours of the year. Think of the Sun as our symbol for the Divine Masculine energies, always ready to seed the Earth with fresh energy, giving everything we need for life to...