I was having lunch with my two most amazing friends – Katie and Deborah – and I found myself trying to describe where I was at in my self-healing process. I’m using this Grand Water Trine/Mercury Retro/ Guides-wanna-give-you-your-dreams energy to do some personal clean-up.

The guides showed me the moon eclipsing the Earth. When the moon is right above you, the true shadow, or umbra, envelopes you. It’s hard to see in the dark. Your depth perception can be off as you are in the place of least light, therefore least reflection. At this stage thoughts such as “huh?” and “why is this happening?” can run rampant. You try looking at the moon to see what’s blocking you, and it’s right on top of you, no illumination, and difficult to examine. All time and feeling is locked into NOW. Dark is NOW. Discomfort is NOW.

So I was telling my dear sisters that I feel like I’ve moved out of the umbra and into the penumbra, that grey area where the shadow is infiltrated by light that leaks around the edge of the moon. I have more light and distance to work with, more space to fill with understanding and compassion. I can also see enough to know I’ve got more to do. And, I can give my self some credit: I’ve made progress!

I love this analogy as it includes my favorite planet, Earth, as a symbol for the incarnated aspect of myself. The moon, symbol of the Divine Feminine wisdom and reflection, serves as both my obstacle and my teacher, and only as I do what it takes to move – receive healing work that shifts energy – do I reach a new perspective and into more light.

The space between the dark and the light is where we spend most of our time. I am so very thankful for my friends and healers (and guides!) I can turn to when my eclipse cycle takes me back into the shadow of the moon.