Mercury Stations Direct

Mercury Stations Direct

Messenger Mercury stations direct and completes his first retrograde of 2021 on February 20 at 4:51 pm Pacific Time. Remember, any retrograde planet exerts the most influence when it appears to stop and change direction (stations). 

And although Mercury moved through an Air (Mind) sign, Quantum Change Aquarius, many of us have been feeling the effects in our bodies. Perhaps you feel “weird” or have strangely low energy levels. This can seem mysterious until we look deeper at what could be the cause.


In my shamanic practice I’ve noticed this phenomenon when we are making major changes in our soul contracts and destiny paths. Part of us has “left” to do the work. And as the highest level soul shifts occur, the physical body needs time to realign and update.

Quantum Magic

Quantum Magic

The Quantum Magic of Aquarius remains dominant even as the Outer You Sun slips into the Endless Bliss Seas of Quintessential Quandary Pisces.

With that consciousness shift the boundary barriers that held you back are GONE in a flash of Quantum Magic. The recent Develop Through Discipline Saturn challenge (square) with Expect The Unexpected Uranus broke through any false walls limiting your life. Unless, of course, you WANT to remain in the unlocked cage.

~ No WAY!

That’s what I thought! This dive into the shifting realities of Pisces is particularly magical as it occurs with the Karma and Destiny Path Nodes aligned (conjunct) with the Ascendant and Descendant.

Quantum Alchemy Aquarius New Moon

Quantum Alchemy Aquarius New Moon

Quantum alchemy generates quicksilver shifts to your life with the New Moon in Rebellious Aquarius!

New Moons initiate a new cycle of growth. With six planets and the MidHeaven all in Aquarius (called a stellium), this sacred mandate is delivered: The time for change is now. Resistance truly is futile.

I Thought It Was Spring Fever

Well, love is in the air! I Live For Love Venus joins (conjuncts) with Let Me SuperSize That For You Jupiter right here in Aquarius. Their annual alignment is the ultimate magnetizer for love, money, success and empowerment!

And with I’ve Got Mojo Mercury (Aquarius) actively harmonizing (sextiling) Sacred Sexuality Neptune, the pheromones are flying!

And, there could be some edginess to the rendezvous with Dark Moon Lilith challenging (Squaring) the Venus/Jupiter conjunction, but that just makes it all spicier.

Venus in Aquarius Love-olution

Venus in Aquarius Love-olution

Feel Your Feelings, Please Venus in Magic Is Real Aquarius takes you to the core of your personal Love-olution. The changes affect all of your relationships, including your relationship with yourself.

I’ve Been So Lonely

The Love Goddess invites you to rediscover your friends, family, and beloveds! Tonight, 2/5/21 at 11:06 pm Pacific Time, she meets up with The Stern TaskMaster, Saturn, to re-establish the foundations of love in your life. They take the Aquarian Agenda of love-evolution to the next level! 

Take advantage of their resonance in a sweet meditation. 

Surround yourself with the sights, sounds, scents and sensations of nurturing peacefulness. Grab a sizable pillow (or pet, or people, if they are available) and sink into a delicious hug. 

Deep breath, sigh. Deep breath, hum. Rock side to side or back and forth a little bit.

Hum, mm-mm-mm.

What comes up? Warm fuzzies or salty tears, this little release begins the expansion for more love in your life.

Mercury Retrograde Unlimited Access

Mercury Retrograde Unlimited Access

Messenger Mercury grants unlimited access to quantum leap creativity and quicksilver answers while in the Magical Connections sign of Aquarius. So, the three weeks of Mercury Retrograde will double down on  expanded possibilities and breakthrough solutions.


Be aware of the usual Retrograde basics – slow down, don’t be surprised if tech or travel plans go haywire, and avoid making major decisions UNLESS the process was underway before the retrograde. 

AND, know that future oriented Aquarius delivers massive downloads before, during and after the Mercury Retro to help resolve the past and seed the future. So we hear the call to make room to receive them.