by Mara Clear Spring | Oct 16, 2024 | Shamanic Weather
You’ve been under the influence of the Aries Super Full Moon (10/17/24 at 4:25 am Pacific Time) for days now. The tension may have you biting at others, or perhaps yourself, and your temper flaring more often than usual.
But the consequences of actions taken right now ripple out for a very long time.
“Super” means that the What I Feel Moon is at its closest point in orbit around the Earth. That makes the naturally emotional nature of the Moon even bigger. We are further stirred up by…
by Mara Clear Spring | Oct 2, 2024 | Shamanic Weather
Emotional Storm Shamanic Weather
The Libra New Moon Annular Eclipse unleashes an Emotional Storm.
Any New or Full Moon amplifies feelings, but the emotional storm that has raged between the 9/17 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the 10/2 New Moon Solar Eclipse has been extreme. We’ve had unprecedented weather and flooding around the world. Solar flares and celestial aspects stimulate the empath and instigate change.
This time between eclipses, what I call the Eclipse Transformation Portal, has been a multidimensional melange of energetic downloads, unexpected twists, reality breakers, and heartache. All facades crumble under such an emotional storm. You rediscover your intuition, creativity and purpose when you can strip away the outside world projections and dive deep into that dark center of all possibilities within you.
by Mara Clear Spring | Sep 20, 2024 | Shamanic Weather
The 2024 Libra Equinox falls on 9/21 or 9/22, depending upon where you are in the world.
Equinox: The day the Sun’s path can be tracked from true East to true West as it crosses the Earth’s Equator.
The time between eclipses activates and accelerates change in our lives. We feel pressured to live more authentically in line with our soul mission, living our gifts, doing more than existing.
We travel this particular Eclipse Transformation Tunnel through a time of tremendous cosmic/karmic stir-up and foundational shake-up while our primitive core seeks the balance that the change of seasons signals.
Here are some Sky Signals that can help you keep your feet on the ground as you ponder all the possibilities:
by Mara Clear Spring | Sep 13, 2024 | Shamanic Weather
You are feeling the full cosmic body tingles as Love Goddess Venus trines (feel-good balance) with Great Giver Jupiter.
Prepare for a huge mood shift as Warrior God Mars squares (challenges) the Nodes of Fate.
On September 17, 2024 at 11:35 PM Pacific Time, we will have a Super Full Moon in No Boundaries Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse.
~ Super Moon – the Moon is in its closest approach to Earth
~ Full Moon – the Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky.
~ Partial Lunar Eclipse – the Earth’s shadow partially covers the Moon
~ Eclipse Portal – Opening to the Transformation Tunnel between Eclipses
by Mara Clear Spring | Sep 2, 2024 | Shamanic Weather
We have just over two weeks before the next Eclipse Transformation Portal opens. Simplify your World as the outer world prepares for tremendous shifts.