Feminine Evolution – Aquarius New Moon

What is the Feminine Evolution? A continuing change process as we perceive and experience the Shadow – Yin – Creatix aspect of human nature and elemental magic. During the Aquarius New Moon on 1/29/25, 4:35 AM Pacific Time, Dark Moon Lilith points the way in a karmic formation called the Finger of God, a Yod.

Feminine Evolution Yod

Why Not Revolution?

Revolution is synonymous with upheaval, power struggles, and war. Although Aquarius is indeed a rebellious sign, it’s not necessarily violent. The New Moon aspect of this multiverse energy emboldens seeds of change and new growth through magnificently dark feminine, creative means. 

Then Why Feminine Evolution?

We are evolving through Shadows together whether we like it or not. Dark Moon Lilith represents our feminine power and refuses to submit to domination and suppression. As the apex (really pointy part) of the Yod, she reaches for freedom defiantly.

Earthly Values Venus and Rebel Genius Uranus form the base of the Yod triangle. Venus, the “Light Side” of the Sacred Feminine, hangs on to the dream of what could be while Lilith is pointing out actual reality. Uranus tests Lilith’s ability to reach beyond the probable toward what may seem impossible. 

Where Does That Leave Us?

You could feel this as a tension of unavoidable, nothing is perfect choices. Do this or that, stay here, move there, change that job, toss those clothes/relationships/habits. The shallow and false are glaringly evident. You want to feel real. It’s a vulnerable, squirmy, naked feeling. And it’s how we evolve, because this makes us grow. Welcome to the Feminine Evolution.

Do Only Women Feel This?

Ha, no. The Yin/Feminine energy within each of us is straining against a too tight skin. She wants change – badly. She wants to be seen, effective, a healing force fully unleashed.

So Aquarius!

Seeking freedom, rapid change, intuitive hits – yes, so Aquarius! 

These New Moon gifts land differently for each of us. 

For example, Big Giver Jupiter trines (positive flow) this New Moon. That’s like a good vibes power booster opening up big potentials – an auspicious sign of good luck for you!

This Is How I See It Mercury and Demo Then Build Pluto are also in Aquarius. Their presence brings a certain level of Third Eye activation that rips through the veil of time and illusion. That’s particularly helpful since Ascension or Addiction Neptune is clouding reality in a close approach to the Destiny Path North Node in If Wishes Were Fishes Pisces.

Use this dynamic to avoid making a poor decision or being taken in by another’s engaging but misleading story or offer. Your truth sense is heightened if you pay attention!

Invite a Lilith-aligned, creative new way to solve the challenges uppermost in your life today. Incorporate those desires into your New Moon Ceremony and/or intentions. 

Make this a New Moon to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara Clear Spring

Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor, Reiki Master Teacher

See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing

💞Heart Healing for You and Your Relationships – 2/14/25

ART – Aquarius by Saca on Deviantart

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!