Aries Super Full Moon Shamanic Weather October 17, 2024

You’ve been under the influence of the Aries Super Full Moon (10/17/24 at 4:25 am Pacific Time) for days now. The tension may have you biting at others, or perhaps yourself, and your temper flaring more often than usual.

But the consequences of actions taken right now ripple out for a very long time.



“Super” means that the What I Feel Moon is at its closest point in orbit around the Earth. That makes the naturally emotional nature of the Moon even bigger. We are further stirred up by…


Warrior God Mars challenges the Aries Super Full Moon at a 90° angle (square). Mars is in its “Fall” (weakest point) in Cancer and can be feeling cranky and passive aggressive. It’s not an auspicious alignment and promotes carelessness and snarky comments.

Our fuses are shorter, and we’re more likely to act before thinking, from our inner animal rather than our human heart.


Four planets placed at near 90° angles from each other to form a cross. The Sun opposite the Moon creates one of the arms of the “X” shape. The other arm is formed by the two “malefics” (trouble makers) Transformation Through Destruction Pluto and Take Action Mars. 

Together all four represent the energy of the four basic elements in their constant struggle for power. Sensitive people and intuitives feel the stress and anxiety within. It’s like tossing and turning in bed with no way to get settled.


Earthly Love Venus, Ascension or Addiction Neptune and Take Action Mars form an equilateral triangle, three planets at nearly 120° apart. 

The usual balancing effect of a Grand Trine is diminished since Venus is so volatile in Scorpio and Mars is in his “Fall” in Cancer. As it’s in the Water/Emotional element, it also serves to add more feelings to the flow.


This is not the time to pick or finish the fight. Let go of the need to be right. 

Emotional overwhelm? Ask: is this even mine?

Aries Super Full Moon


The complexities of this Full Moon boggle the mind, but the body can feel and deal with it – so go with that! 

Move out of the mental and into the physical by getting your heartrate up. Dance, run, swim, bike. Let your body burn and transmute the stress. 

Shed, shed, shed. Moon conjunct Wounded Healer Chiron helps you make use of all that hard self-healing work you have been doing. So acknowledge and let it go. Sun conjunct Marriage Queen Juno spotlights sacred relationships in your life, including with yourself. 

In fact, start with you. What do you promise to do for YOU? And, what will you shed, let go of, discard? Write it, burn it, dance it. Transform rage into passionate purpose. Shift frustration toward a new objective. Emotional energy is high potency fuel for change. If there is anything that’s clear about this Aries Super Full Moon, it’s that something has got to change!

Make this a Full Moon to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master, and Munay-Ki Mentor

See me for Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing, and more!

Art: Carlos Quevedo

#shamanicweather #ariessuperfullmoon