by Mara Clear Spring | Oct 25, 2021 | Shamanic Weather
Sensitive Heart Shamanic Weather October 26 – 28, 2021
Your sensitive heart gets both poked and uplifted this week as Love Goddess Venus interacts with some big archetypes. Watch out for moodiness and unrealistic expectations!
Yes, you! All of us are beginning to feel the vibrational shift from Universal Year 5 energy (Change, Adaptability, Shift) to Universal Year 6 feelings of Love, Home, and Family. So Love Goddess Venus is now set free to explore all the wild ways and wonders of living in “Shoot For The Stars” Sagittarius.
by Mara Clear Spring | Oct 11, 2021 | Shamanic Weather
Celestial Urgency – Shamanic Weather
Celestial Urgency pushes you to get a move on things in your life. The “Everything Is Connected” element of Air blows through and shakes things up! Planetary influencers are “stationing,” preparing to change direction, so archetypal themes are waking up and loudly declaring “the time is NOW.”
I Keep Making Lists!
Last week “Destroy And Rebuild” Pluto stood still in his earthy home sign of “Follow My Plan” Capricorn. As he returns to forward progress you regain your footing and begin the next stages of essential life choices and moves. So, yeah, you’ll be researching, making plans, cleaning out closets, and more.
by Mara Clear Spring | Sep 22, 2021 | Shamanic Weather
Hidden Powers Equinox Shamanic Weather
Discover hidden powers as the seasons turn during the September 22, 2021 Equinox. In the North we reap the harvest and shift to Fall, while in the South Spring infuses new life from the marrow of the Earth.
And, all around our world, hidden powers are revealed.
Really! Consider the world-changing events of 2020 and 2021 as a massive social initiation process.
We’ve been flayed open. We’ve witnessed our ugliness and willful blindness as well as natural heroism and unlimited compassion. ALL of these things are part of the whole. Now we take these pieces to stitch into a new tapestry of reality. And this is where your hidden powers come to the surface.
by Mara Clear Spring | Sep 13, 2021 | Shamanic Weather
Fairness Matters even more when the “God of War, Mars,” moves into “Let’s Compromise Libra.” Mars embodies the principle of purposeful action, so when in Libra, he lends his considerable power to motivate collaboration and alignment.
Since we are already in the shadow of Mercury Retrograde in Libra, we are prematurely feeling the energy shift from Virgo’s call to be of service to Libra’s deep need to be in meaningful relationships.
And, Mars being in Libra during the retrograde heightens the potential for relationship conflicts. Someone’s going to feel slighted, that dark side of Fairness Matters.
by Mara Clear Spring | Sep 13, 2021 | Shamanic Weather
Murky Waters Shamanic Weather
We’re in murky waters with the Sun opposite Neptune this week. Already you may have been falling prey to compelling illusions around, oh, anything and everything. Your commitment to yourself and your values are explored and tested in your quest to perceive and embrace the truth.
Yeah, Sometimes I’m Just Not Sure.
Outer You Sun in Priorities And Precision Virgo shines the light of what needs doing now, while Intuition Or Illusion Neptune in There Are No Boundaries Pisces spins tale after tale of coulda-woulda-shoulda, what-if’s, and why-not-me?