Summer Solstice 2024 – Shamanic Weather

At 1:50 pm Pacific Time the See How You Glow Sun appears to stand still. The North Pole has been tipping toward the Sun since the Winter Solstice in December, and now pauses before leaning away for the next six months.

So we savor the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (14 hours and 18 minutes!). Local and cultural traditions call us to ceremonies and celebrations in the days before and after. We are ready for some summer fun!

Painfully Practical Summer Solstice 2024

And, during this cosmic event, 100% Liquid Gold Sun squares (challenges) Dream With Me Neptune and Empowered Feminine Lilith.

We are asked to take a long, hard look at how we, individually and as a community, balance our natural creativity with our real world manifestation. How are you curating the treasures of your life?

Lilith calls on a shining assist from Pick Your Path Vesta in a scintillating, out of sign sextile (positive activation). These dynamic forces point you inward to reset your compass. Your journey is changing.

Turbocharged by tomorrow’s Full Moon, the Summer Solstice initiates a season of introspection and deep heart exploration.

Summer Solstice 2024 Illumination

The map is there. It’s time to chart where you’ve been and adjust accordingly. Spend time reflecting over the past six months, and get ready to update your course!

Make this a Summer Solstice 2024 to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

🪶 See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and more!

☀️🌕 Experience healing for your Father Wound and relationship to the Sacred Masculine Energy without doing a thing except register! All Fathers Healing Master Journey on Full Moon Friday, June 21.

Local Event! 

(Re)Activate Your Reiki FlowJune 29 & 30

Photo by Mara

Please share as you like. I love reading your comments as well!

#shamanicweather #summersolstice #cancersolstice