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Solar Flare Messages!

Mercury Square Neptune June 23 2015 Shamanic Weather

Solar Flares June 23 2015The Solar Flare Messages speak loudly but are hard to understand today as Mercury Square Neptune generates psychic static and confusing energy. The Winged Messenger (Mercury in Gemini) just can’t translate when The Dreamy King of the Seas (Neptune Retrograde in Pisces) starts talking in 6th dimensional sound waves. Add in the broadband, high volume bellows from the Sun and the information is there, but unintelligible.

Now we are stimulated, we sense the intensity of the charged air, but where do we start with all of this?  Does if feel like you are standing on the edge of a momentous realization? Are all the pieces there but you can’t make them fit, and where the heck is the lid to the puzzle anyway so you can see what it’s supposed to look like? Does it help to know that’s par for the course right now?

That doesn’t mean you won’t solve the mystery. Be ready to adjust your methods and don’t try to get to the finish today. The Distracted Scout (Mars in Gemini) gets vital clues from the Deep Waters Detective (Saturn retrograde in Scorpio) and helps redirect our efforts and reassign priorities.

Not to be outdone, the Sky Lord of Anarchy (Uranus in Aries) teams up with the There’s No Place Like Home Cancer Sun in a creative gracepoint. Your originality quirkiness may become your Super Power! This gets Mars all excited, perhaps sending you enthusiastically down a road you wouldn’t normally choose…whoa, hold on there, this is more of a day for dreaming and contemplation than major movement.



The building Venus / Jupiter conjunction in Leo (check out the Western night sky after sunset!) inspires blissful union, timeless joy, the fulfillment of our dreams. You may choose to remember fondly those moments where you were in the flow, the sensations of exquisite timing, and extremely satisfying results. Overlay those vibrations on your current goals and see where fulfillment resonates, and where it doesn’t. These are your course correction points.


Butterfly Dreaming

In this deck Butterfly delivers the Power of Three – beginning, middle and end; Upper, Middle and Lower World; Life, Death, Rebirth. Where are you in this cycle? In the dark, transforming within the chrysalis? Chewing your way out, ready to spread your wings? Or are you still in the new life form, consuming more daily as you grow your potential? Wherever you are in the cycle, today make sure to go silent and listen. Messages and opportunities are coming in, telling you when to move into the next stage.


Focus, And THEN Act

Got it. The la-la-land language of the planets and stars today distracts us everytime we attempt to focus. Yet focus is the key to wise action! While this card counsels against passivity, instead of embarking on your latest adventure choose instead to put the focus on self care and personal inventory. Get grounded. Get connected to the Pachamama, our Earth Mother, and spend some time inviting the messages to land without trying to understand them much. Write ‘em down, let them go, do something else, then come back to them later.

Chiron is stationing retrograde in Pisces tomorrow, so these next three days can be pivotal in our lives depending upon how Chiron influences you. In general, old wounds can resurface, or newer wounds of the same theme arise. This isn’t about torture; it’s about healing, genuine repair and growing something new, something better. Remember to set yourself up with excellent resource – friends, positive routines, mega-kindness toward self – and gently catch yourself when indulging in self-judgement. We can do this!

Make this a day to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara


Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling ~ Training and more

Mara@MaraClearSpring.com  ~  619-972-2469


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Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling ~ Training and more

Mara@MaraClearSpring.com  ~  619-972-2469


Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King – http://animaldreaming.com/shop/oracle-tarot/animal-dreaming-oracle-cards/

Messenger Oracle by Ravynne Phelan – http://www.ravynnephelan.com/#!the-oracle/cfvg

Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay – http://www.blueangelonline.com/oracle_of_the_angels.html


Mara’s Power Animals and Guides, www.cafeastrology.com, www.astrologyaaazen.com,


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