The Shamanic Weather

Pluto Phoenix Retrograde

Pluto Phoenix Retrograde

Pluto Phoenix Retrograde begins just six weeks after the Dark Lord of Transformation Pluto entered the Spiritual Air sign of “We Can Do This Together” Aquarius

Pluto is retrograde every year for about five months, but this time the effect is multiplied and demands your attention for several reasons.

~The First Rites Zero Degree

Pluto is at  0° of Aquarius, the starting point of this visionary, advanced sciences-oriented sign (think AI and quantum mechanics). The first degree of any sign thoroughly introduces the themes and nature of the sign. Guess when ChatGPT4.0 was released? March 13, just ten days before…

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Gentle Grounding Weekend

Gentle Grounding Weekend

Gentle Grounding Weekend

After all the intensity lately, you deserve a gentle grounding weekend. 

Friday night Purr With Me Leo Moon may activate desires for attention and instigate some drama-ish situations, but Saturday morning Practical Service Virgo Moon steps in to help soothe your nerves and get grounded again.

So later in the day when Warrior God Mars sextiles (lights a fire with) Rebel Genius Uranus, you are ready to take action. 

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Venus Sextile Chiron 4/25/23

Venus Sextile Chiron 4/25/23

You’ve learned from your past! Love Goddess Venus in I Have Another Question Gemini activates with Wounded Healer Chiron in Me First Aries.

Her current Air/Mental nature (from being in Gemini) inspires you to take a risk and trust yourself, literally hanging out over previously scary territory.

“Do anything you do for YOU,” encourages Chiron from his Aries Primal Fire.

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The Shamanic Weather

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