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Breath Of Fresh Air

Sagittarius Moon Void of Course

June 3 2015 Shamanic Weather

The Sensitive Queen (Venus in Cancer) is feeling a bit whimsical with a touch of magic today. With the Let’s Go THERE! Sagittarius Moon Void of Course the need to DO isn’t as pressing as the desire to ENJOY. Intuition and perceptive skills are heightened by a gentle hug from The Dreamy King of the Seas (Neptune in Pisces) after a night somewhat challenging, if forgotten, healing dreams. Today Venus takes a breath of fresh air and prepares to move along into hot-to-trot Leo in a few days. We can all take a deep breath together today. We deserve it! This being human business can be such hard work, yet the greatest gift is life itself. Today we may find ourselves contemplating the notion of a life well lived.


Clear Endeavors The secret to happiness is wanting to be happy, then doing those things, being that person, making those choices that fit our particular flavor of happy. Today is an awesome day to reconnect to the simple pleasures and the far out dreams, the huggable people in our lives and the satisfying moments of self-congratulatory “job well done.” All of that and more. Make a list! It could come in handy when stressed out or needing to make a tough decision.


Open To Love The Potential Gateway card shows the eternal offering of Earth Mother to all of us: Love. Today we notice the path we are currently walking and see if it takes us through opportunities to express, feel, receive and live love. No? Hmm…since we know that Love is always available, it may be time to make a few adjustments, choose a new trail, rest under a different tree. Love just is. Clean out anything inside yourself, your home, your life that is resisting love.


Hope and Happiness Right up until the day she passed my beloved cat, Princess, knew exactly what made her happy and pursued it with no regrets. What a teacher she was for me, as she endured much discomfort and illness, but still fervently wanted to be in a body and live. Whatever has been happening in your life, this is the moment to bring to mind something about yourself you are happy about, something that gives you hope. What can you celebrate, toot your horn about? How have you healed or helped another heal? Can you give yourself the gift of acknowledgement and kind of marinate in that yumminess for a bit? Use the lighter energies of today to rest up, recharge, reminisce (on the good stuff) and get ready for the next series of shifts. Shift happens! How do we want to take on the next, inevitable changes in our lives? Make this a day to Roar about! Namaste ~ Mara


Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling ~ Training and more Mara@MaraClearSpring.com  ~  619-972-2469


JUNE CALENDAR AND NEWSLETTER WILL BE SENT TODAY – For Articles, Events and Training Announcements: Sign UP

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Shamanic Training for self-healing and growth. Local Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced courses begin this month. REGISTER HERE

Eagle ready to fish!

Eagle Medicine sees from the highest perspective – fly high!


For Articles, Events and Training Announcements: Sign UP


Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling ~ Training and more Mara@MaraClearSpring.com  ~  619-972-2469


Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield, illustrated by Josephine Wall – http://www.blueangelonline.com/natures_whispers.html


Mara’s Power Animals and Guides, www.cafeastrology.com, www.astrologyaaazen.com www.astroshaman.com, www.theleoking.com

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