Power Rich Aquarius Full Moon

Shamanic Weather August 19, 2024

The Power Rich Aquarius Full Moon unleashes bolt after bolt of high voltage lightning befitting of the seasonal Super Blue Moon on August 19, 2024 (11:25 am Pacific Time).

What’s happening is that multiple angles between the planets, alignments with stars, and waves of solar energy are hitting us at all levels, too many for me to cover all of them for you.

We have more fuel than we need to stoke the fires of change that are burning within the collective.

💫 How This Affects You

Do you feel the intensity, the static charge building up on your skin? You could be agitated, feeling pressured, and restless. Grounding might seem impossible.

Conversely, if you are an intuitive and working at the collective level, you may want to sleep 20 hours a day. Just sayin’…
Overall, you are feeling your Soul Purpose calling you from the depth of your belly. You are ready for big changes.

💫 How This Affects Us

All of us are caught up in the throes of labor pains as we struggle to move out of obsolete patterns and develop a new cohesion. Expect alternating contractions and expansions around the globe – from earthquakes and weather extremes to surprise announcements of peace, acts of aggression, and everything in between.

💫 Examples:

Power Rich T-Square – the two biggest players in the solar system, Magnifier Jupiter and Authoritarian Saturn, square (challenge) each other. What Should Do Now crashes into What We Can Do Better. Warrior Mars aligns with Jupiter in this battle, giving optimism and hope an edge over rules and constraint. Plus, Saturn is currently in Pisces, a sign Jupiter rules, trying to contain endless oceans of emotion.

Venus, our Goddess of Love, Values and Money, joins the T-Square by opposing Saturn and squaring Jupiter. She adds a practical heart awareness (she’s in Virgo right now!) to encourage compassion and healing.

Rebel Genius Uranus squares the Full Moon, and Messenger Mercury is conjunct (aligned with) the Sun. Expect things like unexpected news, power grid disruption, and all manner of profound changes possible on and around the Full Moon Date.

💫 Power Rich Aquarius Full Moon Ceremony

If you can, be outdoors under the Full Moon. If you practice rituals, bring your tools to open Sacred Space, smudge, and call in your Spiritual Allies. Bring dancing music!

The Moon holds all your dreams, ideals, your connection to community, your heart. Think, speak or sing all of these to the Moon.

Put your hands over your Solar Plexus, your Inner Sun. Think, speak or sing all of who you know yourself to be into the Sun within you.
Dance! Imagine the Sun and the Moon as your partners, and if you wish, imagine Venus, Mars and Uranus joining you.

You may laugh, cry, roar (it is a Leo Sun!). Journal anything that comes to you.

When you are complete, close your Circle with gratitude.

You’ve done your part to embrace the Power Rich Aquarius Full Moon. May the ensuing changes make you Roar with joy!


Shamanic Practitioner

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer
This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!