Shamanic Weather New Moon – Nov 23, 2022

Sagittarian Style

The soulful darkness of Scorpionic energies lifts when Outer You Sun goes Sagittarian Style and enters the Sign of the Archer on Nov 22, 2022.

And like that we switch out of Go Deeper mode and aim for new, brightly lit targets. Get ready for several quick changes that could leave your head spinning. 

Love Goddess Venus and Messenger Mercury got this party started with their stimulating conjunction (alignment) on Nov 21 in Searching For Answers Sagittarius. New relationships and sophisticated communications beckon!

Then the Sun meets Inner You Moon for the New Moon in Sagittarius on 23, and we begin a new lunar cycle. What explorations call you? 

Whatever you choose, the energy is exponentially magnified as Abundance King Jupiter stations direct (stops to end retrograde motion) in the last degrees of No Boundaries Pisces just a few minutes after the New Moon. Don’t dilute the possibilities by shooting off too many Sagittarian Style arrows!

You could say we have an extended field of New Moon Manifestation juju since Jupiter is in trine (balanced alignment) with this New Moon. And, we are about to enter a pattern of the next several New Moons taking place right at the beginning of the Sign, extremely powerful!

Shamanic Recommendation – whatever your tradition, give yourself the opportunity to dream in specific goals or things that would enrich your life, and put some ceremony in around that. Resist the temptation to get too broad, and take your time to aim deliberately for something substantial that would be very satisfying for you.

And share the joy/spirit with others!

Make this a New Moon  to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara


See you at Chavon’s Small Business Saturday Virtual Holly-Daze Bazaar on Saturday, 11-3 PST – I’m on at 11:15!

Shift with us starting Dec 5 with Shamanic Shifts 2023

And join us locally for Winter Solstice – Shamanic Sound Journey!

Art: Dorothe on Pixabay

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!