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Gemini New Moon 2019
The “I Have A Question” Gemini New Moon 2019 begins a month of profound movement and resetting as we shudder through more life-altering waves of the impending Saturn/Pluto conjunction.
Stern Taskmaster Saturn and Dismemberment King Pluto continue their conjunction dance through 2019. Our unique soul purpose reawakens or redirects as they hover over the Karmic Origins South Node.
You may have had a big realization already, that knowing of what you want and how to express it. Use this weekend, while the Moon is in “I Love To Feel Good” Taurus, to marinate in what it would feel like to have it, live it, be it.
The Gemini New Moon 2019 occurs at 3:01 am June 3, Pacific Time. In the 24 hours on either side of that moment take the time to write out what you are calling in. You could also draw it, sing it, dance it or find another creative way to embody and honor your desires.
Set up an altar in the manner that feels right for you. I use candles, smudge, symbols of the elements, and any stone or other sacred object that calls me.
Open Sacred Space by inviting your spiritual allies to surround and protect you. Then pick up the writing you did and read it aloud. Or, hold up and explain the meaning of the drawing you made to the Universe or someone in ceremony with you.
Use your creative expression to communicate your dream and passion. “I Was Just Wondering” Gemini Moon might stimulate many questions at this point, stirring up hungry ghosts and self-doubt.
In the darkness of the Gemini New Moon those Shadows sharpen. All the can’ts, won’ts, and don’ts become loud. You must acknowledge them. I see you! I hear you! I know you are there!
Then see the lightning bolt of Gemini insight brilliantly shatter the clouds of doubt. The obstacles disintegrate into glittering dust. Your focus becomes even clearer about your dream, your soul purpose, your active desire. Just enjoy that for a moment.
When you feel complete, give thanks to your spiritual allies, release your Sacred Space, and blow out your candle.
Then get ready for an exciting month of Manifestation. Manipulation. Mind-frack. Mega-love.
Make this a New Moon to ROAR about!
I would love to see you! Schedule your session!
Art: Cosmic Friend by Lulebel
#shamanicweather #firststepshamanictraining
**Pacific time PDT (UTC-7). Use this Link
Shamanic Weather Disclaimer
This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!
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Meet Your Inner Shaman!!
Shamanic Training begins the last week of June 2019.
Register NOW! Go HERE for details
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Learn a new ORACLE card spread that’s all about YOU.
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Thursday, June 20, 2019
Shamanism helps you heal body, mind, heart and soul. Recommended for the soul ready for deep change!
Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling
You can schedule your appointment right HERE!
Mara@MaraClearSpring.com ~ 619-972-2469
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