Emotional Storm Shamanic Weather

The Libra New Moon Annular Eclipse arrives during an Emotional Storm.

Any New or Full Moon amplifies feelings, but the emotional storm that has raged between the 9/17 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the 10/2 New Moon Solar Eclipse has been extreme. We’ve had unprecedented weather and flooding around the world. Solar flares and celestial aspects stimulate the empath and instigate change.

This time between eclipses, what I call the Eclipse Transformation Portal, has been a multidimensional melange of energetic downloads, unexpected twists, reality breakers, and heartache. All facades crumble under such an emotional storm. You rediscover your intuition, creativity and purpose when you can strip away the outside world projections and dive deep into that dark center of all possibilities within you.

If you watched the Annular Eclipse, you know exactly what that means!

New Moon Madness Annular Solar Eclipse Emotional Storm

Emotional Storm Watch

In my Shamanic Magic Quest course, we applied the Eclipses to our natal charts to begin to understand our personal emotional storm and the changes we’ve been experiencing. 

Here, I’d like to show you just some of the energy channels that have opened for us.

Dark Stellium Conjunction

Sun, Moon and Lilith all meet at 10° of Libra, with Mercury just one degree past them at 11°. Your feelings (Moon) that are at their darkest point (Lilith) block out your usual glow (Sun) and your vulnerabilities are revealed. Since this is a South Node eclipse, sitting only 4° from the South Node, your past, “karma,” old “stuff” is stirred up. This emotional storm is very personal.

Grand Trine in Water

Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces form an equilateral triangle. Love Goddess Venus is challenged in Super Sleuth Scorpio, while Take Action Mars squirms in All You Need Is Love Cancer. Meanwhile, Paternal TaskMaster Saturn patiently attempts to define the No Boundaries Oceans of Pisces. 

When these three align in a trine, however, they can help you level the waters of your emotions so you don’t get carried away. We learn how to swim, or tread water, at least!

Endings and Beginnings

Eclipses happen because the Sun and Moon meet each other (New Moon Solar Eclipse) or oppose each other (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse) on the Ecliptic plane. Those two points, the Destiny Path North Node and Karmic South Node, oppose each other and move through a pair of signs every 18 months or so (called a Nodal Axis)

This pair of eclipses marks the endings of the Libra/Aries axis and the beginnings of the Pisces/Virgo axis. All axes have a theme. On a global scale, that means we have to get past relationship difficulties with self and others (Libra/Aries) and begin the spiritual consciousness awareness it takes to support individual needs (Pisces/Virgo).

On a personal level, those themes, plus where the eclipses land in your natal chart, inform your own experiences. Change and growth (or stagnation and decline) are inevitable. 

Prepare to shift in ways you may have never even considered!

How Long Does This Emotional Storm Last?

This transition continues through the end of the year until January. It’s one of the many reasons the last quarter of 2024 promises to be extremely active no matter what bandwidth of reality you tap into. Mars is about to go retrograde, so we’ll have six planets telling us to slow down and look deeper into everything. Mars will also soon oppose Pluto (November 3, 2024) which is likely to further stir up the W@r Mind. 

Shamanic Recommendation

This is not a New Moon for planting dream seeds and manifestation magic. Spend time alone, in contemplation, meditation, or quiet communion with nature. Consider what has transpired especially in the last two weeks, and including your dreams. Mine have been especially vivid of late. Journal both facts and stories, but also your emotional storm. How has it intensified? When did it peak? Did it peak multiple times, numbing you out? Are you still high on rage, or powerless in grief? 

Reflection and consideration now will reveal the gifts from the dark center of the Annular Eclipse and the entire Transformation Tunnel for you. But don’t rush it. This one is going to take some time.

Make this a transition to Roar about!



Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor

🕯️Shamanic Master Journey October 11, 2024Healing Lineage Wounds, Ancestral Burdens, and Echoes of War

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