Shamanic Weather March 29 2022
Did ya feel it? Yesterday, March 28, Love Goddess Venus met Stern TaskMaster Saturn in an intimate alignment called a conjunction.
From the Earthly point of view, they aligned in the heavens. And this happened in the sign of Quantum Connections, Aquarius (present in my own birth chart!)
The emotional impact of heart meeting mind can feel like slipping into a relaxing, warm bath, or a lover’s sweet embrace. OR, it’s a reality smack of “I don’t like this” and “I thought I was done with that.”
And sensitives/empaths feel this even more with two CME’s (coronal mass ejections) releasing just a day before. These downloads stream from Sol, our local Star Being.
They generate further emotional impact as they erupt from the Sun. And when we pass through them, about March 31, Pachamama sheds her outer atmospheric skin in a spectacular display, the Aurora Borealis. Likewise our Auric Fields do much the same, both stimulating and cleansing.
Addiction or Ascension Neptune in Blissful Seas Pisces balanced (trined) with our Karmic Node of the Past in Deep Waters Scorpio. So whatever emotional impact you may have felt moves through cleansing and/or releasing tears. Be kind with your mind and gentle with your heart.
This new awareness sets us up for a powerfully self-affirming and direction setting New Moon on April 1.
Make this a moment to Roar about!
Namaste ~ Mara
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Art: DarkSouls1 on Pixabay
Shamanic Weather Disclaimer
This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!
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