Dragonfly Medicine Shamanic Weather

With the Dragonfly Medicine of the Eclipse Transformation Tunnel** we continue to encounter sparks of change. Signs of destiny surround us. Which ones resonate with you?

On October 18, 2023, Outer You Sun and Mighty Messenger Mercury separately conjunct (align with), the South Node of Karma. Then on October 19, we experience Mercury Cazimi (when a planet aligns with the heart of the Sun) and the downloads pour in.

This action takes place in the third decan (degrees 20 through 28) of Truth, Freedom and Justice for All Libra, bringing intense awareness to the continuing theme of how in the world do we all deal with all these relationship shadows and find peace?

Change From Within

When you work with Dragonfly Medicine what you perceive around you serves as a catalyst for shift and change within. You turn those external questions about relationships, person to person, or country to country, into internal inquiry and meditation to ask:  what’s churning and getting ready to burst forth in your own life?

You are the only constant in any relationship.

And, just as Dragonfly matures through distinctly different stages, so do you.

You are about to transform, again, into your next version.

Dragonfly Medicine teaches you to move with the elements as you evolve, to embrace change and live from joy.

Elemental Medicine

Think of elements as a mood/water, sound/air, movement/fire or sensation/earth. Which one is too much, or not enough? Adjust your Medicine to seek a Libra balance with all. 

Make this a Transformation to Roar about!

Namaste  ~ Mara 

Get ready for 2024 in Shamanic Shifts

Mara Clear Spring

Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor 

Art by Mara MJ

** We entered the Eclipse Transformation Tunnel with the New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 14, and we exit with the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023.