Angry Roar Leo Full Moon Feb 12 2025
I debated about how to address the Angry Roar of the Leo Full Moon. In fact, I have been reluctant to speak about astrology lately because it has been so very aligned with the painful deconstruction of the mythos of our country. You don’t need me to tell you things are shocking, stressful, and downright scary. We are well and deep into the ravages of our country’s Pluto Return.
But here we are, and no matter which school of astrology you follow, you can see the Plutonic energy of Death and Rebirth is fully engaged. Everything is changing now.
A Full Moon occurs when Outer You Sun is directly opposite Inner You Moon. Here we harvest our labors of the past two weeks or so since the New Moon, when we set intentions and planted seeds.
That’s the simple view of a more complex situation. All the other planets, signs and aspects contribute to the energy of any Full Moon.
Angry Roar And More
Quantum Connections Aquarius Sun is opposite in the sky from Watch Me Roar Leo Moon. Leo explores how YOU shine; Aquarius promotes how WE align. The Full Moon illuminates the tension between the two concepts. Both Leo and Aquarius are fixed (you ain’t the boss of me!) signs, so it’s like hearing the angry roar of parents arguing, or talking heads vehemently pontificating, you get my meaning.
Rebel Genius Uranus in another fixed sign, Can’t Bull Me Over Taurus, and squares (challenges) this Full Moon. We really don’t need the extra stress. Uranus acts through shocking disruption and unexpected actions. This volatile situation is literally like a ticking time bomb.
Uranus flexing muscles in Taurus, and Earth sign, makes you notice the uptick in earthquake, volcano, Earth and space weather. Include in that drought, floods, and food production. It seems our very foundations are in a constant state of Angry Roar flux.
When Enemies Align
More unexpected energy, but better! Two traditional malefics (unpleasant influencers), Muscle Man Mars and Stern TaskMaster Saturn, make a peaceful Water Trine (balancing energies). Lean into their unexpected alliance to help you take the action you need to balance your feelings. Take it while it’s there!
Lilith Angry Roar Wisdom
The Dark Goddess Lilith in Let’s Talk Libra sits at the point of a Yod, Finger Of God learning triangle with Ascension or Addiction Neptune and Uranus forming the base. First, get your angry roar out of the way. MOVE that stuck energy! Then, dance with her rich Shadow nature. Distill the wisdom you are learning from accumulated observations, experiences, and stirred passion.
As a world community we need to do this. Get the aggressive shite out of our system, and find a new way to bring balance. I don’t pretend to know what in the world that will be.
There’s More, But…
Just know that the big upsets and unexpected revelations aren’t over yet. And, again, you don’t need me to tell you that. And I don’t like to! So, this is it for now.
My focus has been and will continue to be in helping you have a variety of ways you can spiritually support yourself and your soul family while we watch this new world emerge.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to let out some of that Angry Roar energy. Just be sure that after you scream, cry, tantrum, or however you express yourself, you take time to self-comfort and surround yourself with love. That’s the deal. First you purge, then you refill your emotional loving cup. Shoot for the balance Lilith is trying to promote.
Make this an Angry Roar Leo Full Moon to – ROAR – about!
Just a few spaces left: Shamanic Master Journey for Your Relationships 2/14/25
art by Ellen Vaughman