Shamanic Weather September 2, 2024

The Virgo New Moon seeks purification, purpose, and personal responsibility.

You are given an opportunity to stop and contemplate who you are “being.” What is your truth? Are you ready to drop your masks?

Shed the worn out, too tight skins. Rebirth yourself from your acquired habits and limiting self opinions.

Purge pointless routine. Clean-up tired relationships and dusty old boxes.

Carefully select what stays in your life.

Shamanic Magic Quest - Virgo New Moon

Join Shamanic Magic Quest! Begins 9/10 (Local) 9/16 (Zoom)

We have just over two weeks before the next Eclipse Transformation Portal opens. Simplify your World as the outer world prepares for tremendous shifts.

This is a magical time for you to meet yourself again.

Make this a Virgo New Moon to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara

Exquisite Art by Mara Friedman

#shamanicweather #shamanicmagic #VirgoSeason #virgonewmoon