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Release the Winged Messenger
Moon in Libra Raises Energy – April 30 2015 Shamanic Weather
Fresh from her crown fitting for her role as the May Queen, the Flirty Queen (Venus in Gemini) reminisces happily over joyful moments of the past, ready to explore more with the coming festivities of Beltane. She is inspired to write thank you notes, assisted by Grandmother Moon becoming the Relationships Moon (Moon in Libra), who in turn gathers guidance from the Stern Ruler of Expansion (Saturn in Sagittarius). He’s a reliable source of unending (and sometimes unwanted) advice.
But his instincts are right on about this: acknowledge your dear ones both close and far away. Those you know well, and those you’d like to know better. Share what about them helps you feel good about you. Become aware of your most important assets: the loving network you are building through participating in life.
Release the Winged Messenger! Mercury staggers out of Earth-bound Taurus into one of his home signs, Gemini and is airborne, becoming the Winged Messenger. Two heavenly bodies moving from Earth to Air signs helps elevate our mood, our energy levels, and our general outlook as we head into a holiday weekend.
Liberation from attachments helps us balance our energy and open up space for more love and life experience. If you have been feeling the urge to clear out the garage, the closets, or your “Friends” list, today could be an excellent day to get started! Try a modified, gentler version of the potlatch tradition of the Northwest Pacific tribes: Give-away. Create a pile of items that are still usable but you wish to liberate, and find a creative way to give them to someone else. Select a charity, host a Garage Sale Give-Away (if people insist on giving you money, give it to a good cause!), consider friends who could use these things. It really feels good to truly let go and invite a fresh start.
Gratitude and Appreciation: As you rediscover memories and feelings associated with the forgotten gift from an aunt, the pair of shoes you wore to that wedding, the broken tennis racket you never got restrung, search for the gratitude for whatever experience that object brought to you, if appropriate send a mental hug, a ray of love. Cultivating thankfulness enriches the mundane to the magical, awakens the Inner Child of Innocence and Light. The Winged Messenger is ready to soar, and the Relationships Moon directs focus on our web of friends, family, co-workers, and self – see all this through the glow of gratitude!
Get ready for fun and a relationship-rich weekend!
Make this a day to Roar about!
Namaste ~ Mara
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Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield, illustrated by Josephine Wall – http://www.blueangelonline.com/natures_whispers.html
Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay – http://www.blueangelonline.com/oracle_of_the_angels.html
Mara’s Power Animals & Guides, cafeastrology.com, astrology.aaazen.com.
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