All Mothers Healing Master Journey

Sometimes Mother is a four-letter word, an aching hole, an endless task, or unanswered desire.

For May your Master Journey Shamanic Healing attends to the Mother Wound within all of us.

How The Master Journey Works:

I take a group Master Journey on behalf of everyone who has signed up. I limit the number of participants to 24 people.

You don't do or attend anything. You are simply included as long as you sign up!

During the Master Journey I work on each individual participant during the journey as well as the entire group as a whole.

Then, I make a recording to send to everyone to share the overall Master Journey experience! You can choose to listen, or not worry about it. The work is done for you!

Monthly Shamanic Circle

The Monthly Shamanic Circle for May

Seeds of Hope

Within the withered leaves and dried pods of seasons past, Seeds of Hope await.

Given a little care and the right conditions, they germinate and begin the next cycle of growth.

And with love, they grow strong and vital!

Click on the Link to for full event description