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Wild Rogues Wrestle – X-Flare Action!
The Shamanic Weather March 12, 2015
Blowtorch Moon In Sagittarius conjuncts Saturn, Trines Uranus, Mars, Jupiter and the Dragon’s Tail, X-flare
The Wild Rogues Wrestle on, with the Empowered Warrior (Mars in Aries) backing the Sky Lord of Anarchy (Uranus in Aries) in a testosterone-fired grapple with The Dark King of Chaos (Pluto in Capricorn). The Stern Ruler of Expansion (Saturn in Sagittarius) glowers with menace from his smoldering vantage point. He’s had it with all this wasteful disorder and discord and is about to go into retreat where he can mutter and fume in solitude.
The Blowtorch Moon (Moon in Sagittarius) tries to negotiate peace after meeting with Saturn, and consulting the Dragon’s Tail (South Node in Aries) for solutions from the past. The Dreamy King (Neptune in Pisces), offers his obscure point of view – our dreams are just plain weird right now – but that only confuses matters.
Our persistent Blowtorch is convinced she’s got the solutions and zings through a fiery series of talks with most of the Rogues, but to no avail. She’s more of an instigator than a negotiator, and another ripple of unsteadiness flows through as the continued solar flares accompany our Visionary Messenger leaving the Quantum Field of Aquarius to submerge into the Dreamland of Pisces.
With our grounding challenged and flames of change flicking our skin, Tara reminds us to breathe. All the external action and internal reaction pulls us away from our center, our truth. We can do nothing, really, about most of what we are letting take our attention and energy. It’s time to come home to ourselves, and as a compassionate Goddess, she invites us to call upon her in our times of need.
The Fairy-Wren reminds us of our innate magical nature. Living in extended families rather than just nesting pairs, Fairy-Wren shows us how sharing our magic with others helps everyone, including ourselves! Their dome shaped nests are built on the ground (grounding castles!), and their beautiful songs soothe our ruffled feathers. What wants to be vibrant, alive and singing within you? Ask Fairy-Wren to help you rediscover your joyful life spark that resides within your own heart.
The Wizard’s Plant, Vervain, is sacred to Venus (here she is again, working love in from the sidelines) and was believed to favor the settling of disputes! Vervain signifies creativity and beginnings for a new cycle of growth and abundance. Allow the vibration of Vervain to permeate the discordant energies of internal conflict, paralyzing grief or fear, or sabotaging waves of anger or jealousy, for she’s a balm for resolution of oppositions and stress. We just want to rub some on as the Wild Rogues Wrestle…
We may all experience a myriad of ways we feel thwarted by external forces – Yang energy, Divine Masculine Shadows. Fighting the flow is, by definition, fighting, which continues to feed the flames. As I wrote this we had our eighth solar flare in the past 24 hours. Clearly we don’t need more heat! Our healing messages speak of magic and allowing, Divine Feminine qualities that eventually will allow us to pull the thorn out of the lion’s paw and begin the healing process.
Make this a day to Roar about!
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For Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Healing, Counseling and Training
The Cards
The Druid Plant Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington; The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky; The Secret Language of Animals by Chip Richards.
Your Resources
Mara’s Power Animals & Guides, www.cafeastrology.com, www.astrology.aaazen.com.
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