Libra Equinox 2024 – Shamanic Weather

The 2024 Libra Equinox falls on 9/21 or 9/22, depending upon where you are in the world.

Equinox: The day the Sun’s path can be tracked from true East to true West as it crosses the Earth’s Equator. Go deeper with this ARTICLE.

Libra Equinox image from NAsa Space Observatory

from Nasa Space Observatory

The time between eclipses activates and accelerates change in our lives. We feel pressured to live more authentically in line with our soul mission, living our gifts, doing more than existing.

We travel this particular Eclipse Transformation Tunnel through a time of tremendous cosmic/karmic stir-up and foundational shake-up while our primitive core seeks the balance that the change of seasons signals. 

Here are some Sky Signals that can help you keep your feet on the ground as you ponder all the possibilities:

Grand Trines in Earth

Trines balance, and Grand Trines magnify the effect exponentially. When you feel unreal from too many frequencies of information bombarding you, get your feet in the soil and turn your face to the Sun. Pull in energy from both points, and let the center of your being be the third point in your own personal grounding triangle. Refuel. Energize. Remember.

You came here for a reason. Being in this moment is part of it.

Complicated Kites

You are NOT crazy, there are many cosmic elements activating each other, and some of them affect you more than others because they ping off significant points in your chart. All of us are attending this Earth Based Soul School, and the astrological Kite formations (literally, the planets involved line up like a kite!) further influence your experience of the Eclipse Transformation effect. 

Your desire to change is real. You just can’t stay the same.


These right angle triangles reveal opposition and challenge between planetary archetypes flavored by the Zodiac signs they are in. Overall they add to the powerful charge in the air, especially on the mental plane. They accentuate the subtle layers of stress during this attempt to find the Libra Equinox center of balance.

Your thoughts are not necessarily your friends. Your wounds don’t define you (unless you let them).

Finger Of God

Love Goddess Venus holds the key to peaceful resolution and the magical midpoint of change. As the tip of a YOD (Finger of God) with Guru Neptune and Rebel Uranus as the base, she points the way to love as a personal choice amidst all the headiness of wounded egos and relentless thought monsters. Mind complicates, Love simplifies. Venus is ready to dive from her own safety zone of Libra to her detriment in Deep Secrets Scorpio

Recognize your own personal sanctuaries, and then prepare to step out and experience more!

Libra Equinox Celebration

I hope you get a chance to spend some quality time in nature to remember your Earthly roots and sense the seasonal changes. Shed these worry skins and inadequacy brain bubbles to compost. If you need to write down what you are letting go of to burn or bury, do it

Find gratitude for who you are and what you have. Celebrate the Libra Equinox with your (soul) family, friends, community in whatever ways remind you of the moments of beauty in life. This next season is upon us, and we CAN find the joy, if we wish.

Make this a new Season to Roar about!

Namaste, Mara

Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor

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Magnificent Art by Jean Luis Husson