Fall Fires Blessing at the Fire Ring

Mara's Shamanic Garden 4018 Agua Dulce Blvd, La Mesa, CA, United States

Fall Fires Blessing at the Fire Ring Drumming Circle

Friday, September 24, 2015

7:00 PM - $15 offering requested

Hale Ohana in La Mesa

By the light of the waxing Harvest Moon we celebrate the Fall and ask for right alignment with the element of fire.

The Fall is traditionally the time of fires here in Southern California. This year we have already had extensive damage along the Pacific Northwest in fires that have burned long and hard.

Eclipse Alchemy Crystal Altars

Tree of Life Metaphysical Bookstore 4870 Santa Monica Ave. Suite 1A, San Diego, CA, United States

The Shamanic Goddess Circle

Eclipse ALCHEMY Crystal Altars

Create your Eclipse Alchemy Crystal Altar for the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017.

Initiation occurs August 11 as the Perseid Meteor Shower rains streaks of Message Fire to ignite your Crucible of Change. Big energy and major shifts are ahead. How do you want the flow to go for you?
