Mars Conjunct Uranus

Mars conjunct (aligns with) Uranus energy has been building for weeks and will peak at 7:04 am Pacific Time on 7/15/24.

  • Take Action Mars: Archetype of the Warrior, Catalyst, Activator – Action. Not necessarily associated with intelligent choice rather than primal urges and responses. The Lesser Malefic. Rules the Sign of Aries.
  • Great Distrupter Uranus: Rebel Genius. Freedom, Expect the Unexpected. If Mars is the Catalyst, Uranus is the unavoidable Volatile Element the generates unpredictable change. Rules Aquarius.
  • Let’s Relax Taurus: is the second sign of the Zodiac, our Astrological Wheel of the Year. We are incarnated in the Creation Fire of Aries, then plant our roots and set our foundation in the Womb of the Earth Taurus. Ruled by Venus, Taurus seeks peaceful simplicity, beauty, culture. This sign is associated with growing our food, honoring the seasons, naps, gentle existence.

➡️ See the Video on my YouTube Channel!

When Mars and Uranus meet in Taurus, they make an impact.

Shadow Side: Natural Earth disasters: volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, drought, floods and hurricanes. Increased in fighting over territory and food. Our personal foundations can shaken by something unexpected – job loss, home repairs, personal accidents and power struggles.

Light Side: Stuck energy moves. Take-apart allows new growth. Uranus brings in innovation, inspiration, and magical transformation. Mars adds determination, stamina, and courage. From the chaos we call in a new, aligned flow,

To create something new, you have to break the mold first. 

Venus ruling Taurus means that the Yin/Feminine helps to balance the strongly Yang/Masculine energy of this Wild Rogues meet-up,

Algol: The fixed star Algol also conjuncts Mars and Uranus. Algol is actually a binary system located in the constellation of Perseus that mystified the ancients as it seemed to appear then disappear. It brings the mythical magic of Medusa and the birth of Andromeda to the party! Painful death followed by dramatic rebirth!

Shamanic Suggestions:

  • Plans can go wrong: Buy the extra insurance if traveling.
  • Gravity works against you: Avoid physically dangerous situations:
  • Avoid high-risk tasks, such as getting up on the roof to fix something.
  • Be extra careful engaging in extreme sports such as skateboarding, rock climbing, mountain biking.
  • People are testy: Step back from conflict when you can. Irrational behavior is rampant.
  • Look for the gift in the wound. That’s not easy, but it’s there, somewhere.
  • The volcano creates new earth. The fire frees the manzanita seed. Set intention for what can be born from the approaching eruptions/disruptions!

Shamanic Weather Updates:

I have been posting short Shamanic Weather graphics to my FaceBook and IG channels. Here’s a sample below:

Shamanic Weather Mars Conjunct Uranus prep

I haven’t figured out how to efficiently share this in emails to you, and I fuss that it would probably end up in your junkmail.

But, if you would like me to start sending these – about five days a week – let me know and I’ll look into that.

Thank you so much for continuing to read and share the Shamanic Weather! I do this gratis, so I don’t attend to it as well when my other business duties require my attention (like, ah, students and clients), but this work and YOU are always ticking away in the background. If there were more of me, one of us would be assigned to send this out to you far more frequently!

Here’s the amazing Master Journey info. Just $24, and you receive so much healing!

And I hope to see locals at the Tree of Life on 7/18 and/or for Shamanic Trance Dance & Cacao on 7/26.

Let’s make this a summer to ROAR about!


Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor

See me for Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!