Mercury Slows Down  – Feb 10, 2015 Shamanic Weather

Mercury Slows Down, affecting everyone. This Visionary Messenger (Mercury in Aquarius) has been helping us uncover hidden scripts of our unconscious motivations and unintentional communications.

As we approach the last Quarter Moon tomorrow, the same day Mercury stations (appears to stand still), a bright star of understanding is ready to be born, and star birth can be a bit messy. The cosmic pressure is on to review and redo.

And in the middle of all of this The Whole Soul Queen (Venus in Pisces) has a powerful yen for something yummy, perhaps inspired by that big wink and grin from the Magnanimous King (Jupiter in Leo) early on. (Ok, he really is hot!) This sexual tension underlies the urge today to make sense of past and now, intuition and desires, the balance of opposites.



The Winged Wise Ones bring answers that light up from within as the voice of intuition and spontaneous external signs. Miracles happen, magic is revealed. Our questions are always answered and the deeper our surrender, the more profound the response.



Raven’s deep caw grabs our attention and provides a focus for the magic our willingness to surrender calls in. We see we must let go to move forward. Death of one thing allows the birth of another; this letting go is a personal initiation that leads to healing and new protection. The darkness in the light helps us see the light in the dark.



As Temperance, the Goddess gives us the road map to navigate balance between the opposites presented in our personal revelations. We are “active and passive at the same time.” We ground our process to better understand it.



  • Create a safe space to meditate or Journey.
  • Breathe your roots into the ground – connect with Gaia.
  • Stretch your branches into the sky – connect with Creator.
  • Sit under and lean against the tree you just created.
  • Hold your current issue in mind and ask for guidance.
  • On your right lands the Wise Winged One. She speaks of the different aspects to your issue.
  • On your left lands the Raven. He shows your possibilities and choices.

Walking toward you comes the Goddess of Temperance. She tells you that any choice you make is perfect when it comes from your own heart, your Soul Truth. She helps you see the different paths laid before you clearly so you can walk the road that best serves you.

  • Thank them all for their assistance. Give them any offerings that feel appropriate.
  • Breathe back into your body and return to the now.

Did you notice all three helpers today have wings? The Air Element symbolizes thought and mental powers, and Aquarius and Neptune help us draw in the Ether, that mystical quality from Spirit, the element from which everything originates.


Make this a day to Soar and Roar about!




The Cards: Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess by Pamela Wells; Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid; The Druid Animal Deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, illustrated by Will Worthington;


Your Resources: Mara’s Power Animals & Guides,,


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