This weekend Love Goddess Venus continues to explore the unconscious depths of Piscean oceans to search for Treasured Love. She’s been dancing with her many planetary partners before and after her annual liaison with the King of Dreams Neptune this week, but the shiny gold of perfect partnership continues to hide beneath the mud and rocks.


Is it? Scraping the bottom and sorting through dead, decaying things really isn’t the place to find treasured love, is it?


Right! She’s gone hot and heavy with Let Me Give You Everything Jupiter and challenged adversarial God of War Mars. Before that she adjusted her views of the past with the Meet Your Karma South Node. Then after she rebalanced her dreams of the future in a trine with the Here’s Your Destiny North Node.

Yet satisfaction eludes her.


This weekend, our ideas around love, relationships, finances/energy exchange, and the aesthetics of being here and enjoying life receive a conscious adjustment and upgrade. The quest for treasured love turns inward. What we thought was true shakes up as Venus moves into a dynamic sextile with the Dark Lord of Transformation, Pluto.


It is! Be done digging through the mud or rerunning old scripts and patterns. Your awareness of what personally pleases you shifts to higher quality, richer experiences.


Like treasuring yourself and rewriting your definition of “love.” Address and fulfill your current vibe! We are on the disbursement side of the Saturn/Pluto new cycle initiation conjunction. The intense build up from before becomes the time-to-release-the-tension break apart after, both messy and relieving at the same time.

So, sure, you may have an unexpected challenge arise this weekend. You may feel you’ve won, lost, and won again. Flow with, go with, and be with the feelings and insights, both subtle and shocking. Overall any stress is well surrounded with abundant good vibration. 

The Moon in Love Your Life and Make Life Lovely Taurus wants to help you surrender to what brings you home to yourself. Any conflicts or unexpected shifts seem to funnel you toward a more satisfying ending. Why fight it? Enjoy. Discover the true treasure that resides within – you!

Make this a weekend to ROAR about!



Come see me at the Tree of Life Psychic Faire this Saturday, February 1, 2020

I would love to see you! Schedule your session!


Art: Venus in Pisces, source unknown


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This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!